
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/29 07:30:29
发球员在发球前应先站在端线后、中点和边线的假定延长线之间的区域里,用手将球向空中任何方向抛起,在球接触地面以前,用球拍击 球(仅能用一只手的运动员,可用球拍将球抛起)。球拍与球接触时,就算完成球的发送。
(1)每局开始,先从右区端线后发球,得或失一分后,应换到左区发球。 (2)发出的球应从网上越过,落到对角的对方发球区内,或其周围的线上。
未击中球;发出的球,在落地前触及固定物(球网、中心带和网边白布除外);违反发球站位规定。 发球员第一次发球失误后,应在原发位置上进行第二次发球。
发生下列任何一种情况,均判失分。 (1)在球第二次着地前,未能还击过网。 (2)还击的球触及对方场区界线以外的地面、固定物或其他物件。 (3)还击空中球失败。 (4)故意用球拍触球超过一次。 (5)运动员的身体、球拍,在发球期间触及球网。 (6)过网击球。 (7)抛拍击球 3.压线球
每盘第一局开始时,由发球方决定由何人首先发球,对方则同样地在第2局开始时,决定由何人首先发球。 第3局由第1局发球方的另一球 员发球。第4局由第2局发球主的另一球员发球。以下各局均按此序秩发球。
先接球的一方,应在第1局开始时,决定何人先接发球,并在这盘 单数局,继续先接发球。双方同样应在第2局开始时,决定何人接发球,并在这盘双数局继续先接发球。他们的同伴应在每局中轮流接发球。
(1)每胜1球得1分,先胜4分者胜1局。 (2)双方各得3分时为“平分”,平分后,净胜两分为胜1局。 2.胜1盘


Basic rule in tennis
( a) hair ball
1.The provision that hair ball is before
Hair player is in hair ball front should stands first at carried line empress, middle point with side linearly on the supposition that prolong the district of the line, facing the ball air by hand any direction throws to rise, at the ball gets in touch with the ground past, use the racket shot ball.( can use only a the athlete of the hand, can use the racket throws the ball to rise)Racket and When the ball get in touch with, calculate to complete the ball send out.
2.The provision of the hour of hair ball
Hair player is in whole hair ball action, cannot pass to run about or run to move the changes the original the position that stands, two feets allows to stand only at rule the position, cannot touch the other district.
3.Hair the player's position
(1) the each bureau starts, carrying the line empress hair ball from the right area first, getting or losing the penny empress, shoulding change the left area hair ball. (2) the emanative ball should cross from the net, falling the other party hair ball District inside of the opposite angles, or its around on-line.
4.Hair ball error
Did not shoot the ball;Emanative ball, touch the fixture before falling to the ground;( the ball net, center takes with the net side plain white cloth excepted)Breaching the hair ball stands a provision. Hair player first time hair ball after mistaking, should go forward in the original hair position line second time hair ball.
5.The hair ball is invalid
Hair ball 触 net empress, still fall the other party hair ball District inside, catch the ball the member did not make to like to catch the ball the preparation;All should heavy hair ball.
6.Exchange the hair ball
The first bureau game is be completed, catching the ball the member becomes the hair the player, the hair ball becomes to catch the ball.The each bureau in hereafter is be completed.Exchange each other all and one by one in order, keep to the game to end.
( two) the 通 is then
1.Change of court
Both parties should after the each dish the 1,3 and 5 etc. odd number bureau ends, and a both parties' bureau count it with for odd number, change of court.
2.Lose the cent
Occurrence following and any a kind of circumstance, all judge to lose the cent. (1) in second time of ball the ground is ex-, coulding not to return the shot over the net.(2) return the ball of the shot touch the other party an area boundary excluding of ground, fixture or other article. (3) return the air ball in shot failure. (4) use the racket 触 ball intentionally over once.(5) the body, racket of the athlete, touch the ball net in period in ball in hair. (6) hit ball with racket over the net. (7) throw to bounce to hit ball with racket 3.Line ball
Fall the on-line ball to all calculate the fair ball.
( three) the double beats
1.The double play hair ball order of sequence
Each dish When the first bureau start, from hair ball square decision from who first hair ball, the other party then similarly at the 2 bureau beginning, decision from who first hair ball. The 3 bureaus from the 1 bureau hair ball square another ball member hair ball.The 4 bureaus is main from the 2 bureau hair ball another a player hair ball.Below each bureau all presses this preface 秩 hair ball.
2.The double beats to catch the ball the order of sequence
Catch the ball first of a square, should at the 1 bureau beginning, decide to connect first the hair ball who, and in this dish odd number bureau, continue to connect first the hair ball.Both parties' same should at the 2 bureau beginning hour, decide to connect the hair ball who, and connect first the hair ball continuously in this dish number bureau.Their companion should connect the hair ball by turn in each bureau.
3.The double beats to return the shot
Connect the hair ball empress, the both parties should took turns to be returned by among them any a member of team shot.Judge if athlete at its together brigade member of team hit ball with racket behind, again with racket 触 ball,, the other party get a goal.
( four) account to divide the method
1.胜 1 bureau
(1) the 1 ball per 胜 gets the 1 cent, first 胜 4 cents 胜 1 bureau. (2) the both parties is each to get 3 cents the hour for" divide equally", after dividing equally, the clean the dichotomy of 胜 is a 胜 1 bureau. 2.胜 1 dish
(1) a square first 胜 6 bureaus are a 胜 1 dish.
(2) both parties' each 胜 5 hour of bureau, a square and clean 胜 two bureaus are a 胜 1 dish.
