
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/10/05 12:01:31
3.3. Performance criteria
3.3.1. Columns
BS 476: Part 20 (1987) [22] and Part 21 (1987) [23] state that
a column is regarded as having a fire resistance that is equal to
the elapsed time (rounded down to the nearest minute) between
the commencement of heating and the termination of heating, or
until failure to meet the load bearing capacity criterion occurs,
whichever is the sooner. A column is deemed to have failed
when it no longer supports the test load. In practical terms, this
corresponds to a rapid rate of increase of vertical and lateral
The European standard EN 1363-1 (1999) [21] contains
specific failure criteria for columns, stating that a column is
deemed to have failed when both the following criteria have
been exceeded:
(i) vertical contraction, C = h/100 mm
(ii) rate of vertical contraction, dC/dt = 3h/1000 mm/min
where h is the initial column height in mm.
The first criterion is often difficult to apply. Initially,
when the axial load is applied, the column slightly contracts
longitudinally, but once the temperature loading is applied
the column expands. Positive values of vertical contraction
eventually occur as a result of large lateral deflections.
However, in the present study, testing was stopped before
positive values of vertical contractionwere attained. The second
criterion, based on the rate of vertical contraction, was also
difficult to apply for similar reasons. Testing was stopped before
the rate of vertical contraction reached 3h/1000. Therefore the
critical failure temperature for the columns was determined
as the point where the rate of lateral displacement increased

3.3.1. 柱
“BS 476”的20部分(1987) [22] 和21部分(1987) [23]认为柱具有从加热开始和加热结束之间的崩溃时间(最接近的分钟数)等同的耐火性,或直到破坏以达到承受负载的最大容量标准,无论哪一个更早一些。柱在不能支撑更多测试负载时被认为已经破坏。实际条件下,这对应于垂直和侧面偏差的快速增长速率。欧洲标准EN 1363-1 (1999) [21]包含具体的柱破坏标准,该标准宣布当柱超出下列两个标准时被认为破坏:
(i) 垂直收缩C=h/100mm
(ii) 垂直收缩率dC/dt =3h/1000mm/min
“h”是初始柱长的mm数。第一个标准通常难以利用。开始时加上轴向负载,柱纵向轻微收缩,但一旦温度加载则柱膨胀。垂直收缩的绝对值最后随着巨大的侧面偏差而产生。 然而当前的研究中,测试在达到垂直收缩的绝对值之前停止。第二个基于垂直收缩率的标准因同样的原因难以利用。测试在垂直收缩率达到3h/1000之前停止。因此柱的临界破坏温度用侧向位移率迅速增加点确定。

330. 绩效标准 节. 专栏 85/88476:20(1987)第22和第21(1987)[23]指出 专栏被视为一种耐火,等于 时间的逝去(向下凑分钟)之间 开始和结束供暖供热、 直至不符合标准的负载能力时, 以先出现者为准. 专栏认为没有 如果不再支持负载测试. 实际上,这 相当于一个较快的增长纵向、横向 偏转. 欧洲标准(1999)1363-1en21载 没有具体标准栏目,说是一栏 无论何时都不能视为具有下列标准 已超过: (一)纵向收缩,C=H/100六 (二)纵向收缩率,DC/六重=3h/1000/闵 最初是在H栏高度毫米. 第一个标准往往难以适用. 最初 在临床应用量,略合同专栏 贯,但一旦气温上应用 增加一栏. 纵向收缩正面价值 最终因横向挠度大. 但是,在目前的研究、试验前停 垂直contractionwere正面价值实现. 二 标准基础上,纵向收缩率还 同样理由申请困难. 试验是在停 纵向收缩率达到3h/1000. 因此, 关键是没有温度的栏目确定 作为地方横向迁移率增加 很快.

有人, 那些是丰富作为I!
或许您爱美丽部分, 然后不爱我,
有人, 那些比I是美丽的许多!
但您爱爱, 然后爱只我,
因为没有人, 爱您用这样方式,如I!


3.3. Performance criteria
3.3.1. Columns
BS 476: Part 20 (1987) [22] and Part 21 (1987) [23] state that
a column is regarded as having a fire resistance that is equal to
the elapsed time (rounded down to the nearest minute) between
the commencement of heating and the termination of heating, or
until failure to meet the load bearing capacity criterion occurs,
whichever is the sooner. A column is deemed to have failed
when it no longer supports the test load. In practical terms, this
corresponds to a rapid rate of increase of vertical and lateral
The European standard EN 1363-1 (1999) [21] contains
specific failure criteria for columns, stating that a column is
deemed to have failed when both the following criteria have
been exceeded:
(i) vertical contraction, C = h/100 mm
(ii) rate of vertical contraction, dC/dt = 3h/1000 mm/min
where h is the initial column height in mm.
The first criterion is often difficult to apply. Initially,
when the axial load is applied, the column slightly contracts 3.3. Performance criteria
3.3.1. Columns
BS 476: Part 20 (1987) [22] and Part 21 (1987) [23] state that
a column is regarded as having a fire resistance that is equal to
the elapsed time (rounded down to the nearest minute) between
the commencement of heating and the termination of heating, or
until failure to meet the load bearing capacity criterion occurs,
whichever is the sooner. A column is deemed to have failed
when it no longer supports the test load. In practical terms, this
corresponds to a rapid rate of increase of vertical and lateral
The European standard EN 1363-1 (1999) [21] contains
specific failure criteria for columns, stating that a column is
deemed to have failed when both the following criteria have
been exceeded:
(i) vertical contraction, C = h/100 mm
(ii) rate of vertical contraction, dC/dt = 3h/1000 mm/min
where h is the initial column height in mm.
The first criterion is often difficult to apply. Initially,
when the axial load is applied, the column slightly contracts
longitudinally, but once the temperature loading is applied
the column expands. Positive values of vertical contraction
eventually occur as a result of large lateral deflections.
However, in the present study, testing was stopped before
positive values of vertical contractionwere attained. The second
criterion, based on the rate of vertical contraction, was also
difficult to apply for similar reasons. Testing was stopped before
the rate of vertical contraction reached 3h/1000. Therefore the
critical failure temperature for the columns was determined
as the point where the rate of lateral displacement increased
3.3. Performance criteria
3.3.1. Columns
BS 476: Part 20 (1987) [22] and Part 21 (1987) [23] state that
a column is regarded as having a fire resistance that is equal to
the elapsed time (rounded down to the nearest minute) between
the commencement of heating and the termination of heating, or
until failure to meet the load bearing capacity criterion occurs,
whichever is the sooner. A column is deemed to have failed
when it no longer supports the test load. In practical terms, this
corresponds to a rapid rate of increase of vertical and lateral
The European standard EN 1363-1 (1999) [21] contains
specific failure criteria for columns, stating that a column is
deemed to have failed when both the following criteria have
been exceeded:
(i) vertical contraction, C = h/100 mm
(ii) rate of vertical contraction, dC/dt = 3h/1000 mm/min
where h is the initial column height in mm.
The first criterion is often difficult to apply. Initially,
when the axial load is applied, the column slightly contracts
longitudinally, but once the temperature loading is applied
the column expands. Positive values of vertical contraction
eventually occur as a result of large lateral deflections.
However, in the present study, testing was stopped before
positive values of vertical contractionwere attained. The second
criterion, based on the rate of vertical contraction, was also
difficult to apply for similar reasons. Testing was stopped before
the rate of vertical contraction reached 3h/1000. Therefore the
critical failure temperature for the columns was determined
as the point where the rate of lateral displacement increased

longitudinally, but once the temperature loading is applied
the column expands. Positive values of vertical contraction
eventually occur as a result of large lateral deflections.
However, in the present study, testing was stopped before
positive values of vertical contractionwere attained. The second
criterion, based on the rate of vertical contraction, was also
difficult to apply for similar reasons. Testing was stopped before
the rate of vertical contraction reached 3h/1000. Therefore the
critical failure temperature for the columns was determined
as the point where the rate of lateral displacement increased

3.3. 表现标准
3.3.1. 专栏
BS 476: 部份 20(1987)[22] 和部份 21(1987)[23] 说那
被过去的时间 (把~弄圆下来到最近的分钟) 在
暖气的毕业典礼和暖气的终止, 或
无论那一个是抢先占有土地之人。 专栏被认为已经失败
当它不再支援测试负荷的时候。 以实际的期限口吻, 这
欧洲的标准 N 字 1363-1(1999)[21] 包含
特定的失败对专栏的标准, 说专栏是
(i) 垂直的收缩, C=h/100 毫米
(ii)垂直收缩的比率, 直流/dt=3 h/1000 毫米/ 最小
在 h 是毫米的开始专栏高度的地方。
第一个标准时常难以应用。 最初,
当轴的负荷被应用的时候, 专栏些微地契约
纵观地, 但是一次温度载入是应用的
专栏扩张。 垂直收缩的积极价值
然而, 目前研究, 测试以前被停止
被达到的垂直 contractionwere 的积极价值。 秒
在垂直收缩的比率上被建立的标准, 也是
困难的申请相似的理由。 测试以前被停止
垂直收缩的比率到达了 3 h/1000. 因此那
提问者:星焕 - 经理五级

答复共 6 条
回答者: nk7923791- 魔法学徒一级 6-919:44

3.3. 表现标准
3.3.1. 专栏
BS 476: 部份 20(1987)[22] 和部份 21(1987)[23] 州
被过去的时间 ( 把~弄圆下到最近的分钟) 在
暖气的毕业典礼和暖气的终止, 或
当它不再支援测试负荷的时候以实际的口吻, 这。
欧洲的标准 N 字 1363-1(1999)[21] 包含
特性失败的标准专栏, 说那专栏是
(i)垂直的收缩, C=h/100 毫米
(ii) 垂直的收缩比率, 直流/dt=3 h/1000 毫米/ 最小
在 h 是毫米的起始专栏高度的地方。
当轴的负荷被应用的时候, 专栏些微地契约
然而,目前研究, 尝试被停止在
被达到的垂直 contractionwere 的积极价值秒。
标准,基于垂直的收缩比率, 也是
垂直的收缩比率到达了 3 h/1000. 因此那
回答者: deng5417- 助理二级 6-920:02

3.3. 表现标准
3.3.1. 专栏
BS 476: 部份 20(1987)[22] 和部份 21(1987)[23] 说那
被过去的时间 (把~弄圆下来到最近的分钟) 在
暖气的毕业典礼和暖气的终止, 或
无论那一个是抢先占有土地之人。 专栏被认为已经失败
当它不再支援测试负荷的时候。 以实际的期限口吻, 这
欧洲的标准 N 字 1363-1(1999)[21] 包含
特定的失败对专栏的标准, 说专栏是
(i) 垂直的收缩, C=h/100 毫米
(ii)垂直收缩的比率, 直流/dt=3 h/1000 毫米/ 最小
在 h 是毫米的开始专栏高度的地方。
第一个标准时常难以应用。 最初,
当轴的负荷被应用的时候, 专栏些微地契约
纵观地, 但是一次温度载入是应用的
专栏扩张。 垂直收缩的积极价值
然而, 目前研究, 测试以前被停止
被达到的垂直 contractionwere 的积极价值。 秒
在垂直收缩的比率上被建立的标准, 也是
困难的申请相似的理由。 测试以前被停止
垂直收缩的比率到达了 3 h/1000. 因此那

被过去的时间 (把~弄圆下到最近的分钟) 在
暖气的毕业典礼和暖气的终止, 或
无论那一个是抢先占有土地之人。 专栏被认为已经失败
当它不再支援测试负荷的时候。 以实际的口吻, 这
欧洲的标准 N 字 1363-1(1999)[21] 包含
特性失败的标准专栏, 说那专栏是
(i)垂直的收缩, C=h/100 毫米
(ii)垂直的收缩比率, 直流/dt=3h/1000 毫米/ 最小
在 h 是毫米的起始专栏高度的地方。
第一个标准时常对应用是困难的。 最初,
当轴的负荷被应用的时候, 专栏些微地契约
专栏伸展。 垂直的收缩积极的价值
然而, 目前研究, 尝试被停止在
被达到的垂直 contractionwere 的积极价值。 秒
标准,基于垂直的收缩比率, 也是
困难的申请相似的理由。 测试被停止在
垂直的收缩比率到达了 3 h/1000. 因此那
栏被视为一种耐火,等于 时间的逝去(向下凑分钟)之间 开始和结束供暖供热、 直至不符合标准的负载能力时, 以先出现者为准. 专栏认为没有 如果不再支持负载测试. 实际上,这 相当于一个较快的增长纵向、横向 偏转. 欧洲标准(1999)1363-1en21载 没有具体标准栏目,说是一栏 无论何时都不能视为具有下列标准 已超过: (一)纵向收缩,C=H/100六 (二)纵向收缩率,DC/六重=3h/1000/闵 最初是在H栏高度毫米. 第一个标准往往难以适用. 最初 在临床应用量,略合同专栏 贯,但一旦气温上应用 增加一栏. 纵向收缩正面价值 最终因横向挠度大. 但是,在目前的研究、试验前停 垂直contractionwere正面价值实现. 二 标准基础上,纵向收缩率还 同样理由申请困难. 试验是在停 纵向收缩率达到3h/1000. 因此, 关键是没有温度的栏目确定 作为地方横向迁移率增加 很快.