
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/06 19:15:14
Some tools are already available to help reduce the frustration induced by OLE and COM. For example, the Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC) framework is designed to make it as easy as possible for C++ developers to write applications and components that take advantage of OLE by providing a set of classes that encapsulate its use. Microsoft Visual Basic, the most popular Microsoft development tool, distances developers even further from the complexity of OLE. However, only with the release of the Visual Basic Custom Control Edition was it possible to develop COM objects using Visual Basic. Until then, Visual Basic had been a tool only for COM consumers, not for COM developers.
Certainly, developing COM objects using MFC and Visual Basic is much easier than trying to create them using raw C or C++. In fact, for all but the most advanced developers, attempting to face the wrath of COM without the shelter of a framework can be tantamount to developer suicide; those frameworks have been the only feasible approach. Along with the benevolent level of abstraction they provide, however, MFC and Visual Basic carry a fairly stiff penalty: they both saddle applications and components with a large run-time dynamic-link library (DLL). This extra freight inherent in MFC and Visual Basic has created a chasm between "lean and mean" COM development using straight C and C++ and the "fat, dumb, and happy" approach taken by those frameworks.
A few years ago, in an attempt to provide solutions to the problems facing COM developers within Microsoft, several members of the Visual C++ development team were formed into a new team created to design the Enterprise edition of Visual C++, code-named Galileo. The new team determined that internal corporate developers were adopting a multitiered strategy wherein application logic is divided into roughly three layers: user services, business services, and data services, as described in the following sidebar.
Naturally, the Galileo team decided that COM would be the most instinctive method of communication between the layers of logic. However, they concluded that the COM objects developed for the business services layer—the middle tier—would need to be built with size and speed (rather than ease of development) in mind, even if it meant an increase in the time required to develop those objects. Furthermore, the objects would need to be capable of supporting access from many clients simultaneously. Keep in mind that at that time the Microsoft tools for COM development were entirely focused on simplicity rather than performance. In other words, when it came to addressing the COM needs of multitiered, multithreaded business applications (to say nothing of the even stricter needs of Internet applications), MFC and Visual Basic simply couldn't cut it.

额外的货运为MFC和Visual Basic所固有已经创建陷窟 在使用直接C 和C++的"倾斜并且意味着"COM 发展之间,"肥胖,哑,和愉快"接近以那些结构花费。
几年以前, 试图提供解决摆在COM在微软公司内的开发者面前的问题的方法, VC++ 发展队的几名成员被形成建立的一个新队设计VC++的企业版,代码命名的伽利略。 新队确定内部的公司的开发者正收养应用逻辑被大约分成3 个层的一个multitiered 策略: 用户服务,商业服务和数据服务,如下列横档描述。
自然,伽利略队决定COM 将是在这层逻辑之间的联系的最本能的方法。 但是, 他们断定layerhe tierould 中间商业服务发展的COM 物体需要被尺寸和速度建造(相当, 在心方面便于发展), 一的增加要求发展那些物体的次意味着即使。 而且,物体需要能支持同时从很多客户进入。 记住在那时COM 发展的微软公司工具完全集中于简单而不是性能。 换句话说, 涉及满足multitiered的COM 需要, multithreaded商业应用(更不必说因特网应用的更严格的需要),MFC 和Visual Basic 完全不能切它。