成都巿教师继续教育:英译中 帮帮忙

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/04 02:59:46
A third form of accountability is that of retrospective accountability. The traditional model always had some retrospective accountability. The traditional model always had some retrospective mechanisms, particularly for financial probity, and Behn argues it should be possible to establish retrospective accountability for performance ( Behn, 2001, p. 105):
It seems straightforward to adapt the existing, retrospective mechanisms for establishing democratic probity for finances and equity to the new needs of creating a retrospective mechanism for establish democratic for performance. Trust but verify.
Behn’s notion of trust deserves wider consideration. Trust is required of a manager, in that he or she is given a task to do and is then left to do it, without detailed oversight. If later there is verification that the work has been done, that in no way takes away the sense of trust given to the manager in the first place. The alternative, as was seen in an administrative system, is to build up rules, manuals and procedures so that administrators merely follow these through in a machine-like fashion.

第三种责任形式是追溯责任。传统模式也存在追溯责任,有一些追溯机制,尤其是涉及财务公平的时候。Behn认为对(管理者)的政绩建立追溯建责任制是可行的( Behn, 2001, p105) 将现有的为建立财务和股权民主公平而有的追溯机制,调整成为了创建一种实现政绩民主的追溯责任制的需求,这看似很简单。信任但也进行考查。

有责任的第3 个形式是回顾的有责任的。 传统的模型总是有一些回顾的有责任。 传统的模型总是有一些回顾的机制, 对金融刚直来说,和贝恩辩论为性能(贝恩,2001,第105页)建立回顾的有责任应该是可能的:
使存在适应好像简单, 创造回顾机制的给资金和公平兑一新需要那儿去建立民主刚直的回顾机制适合性能建立民主。 相信但是证实。
贝恩' 信任的s 观念应当受到更广泛的考虑。 信任被要求一位经理, 因为他或者她被给要做的一项任务并且然后离开做它,没有详细的疏忽。 如果过后有工作已经被做的证实, 那决不带走首先给经理的信任的感觉。 这个选择, 象被在一个管理的系统里看见的那样,将建立规章,手册和程序,因此管理者通过穿一种象机器一样的时装仅仅跟随这些。