紫砂茶壶如何开壶:英语 帮帮我

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/04 02:53:28
谁能告诉我 5 个花费某人多少钱的句型
如 it takes sb some money to do sth


1. 运用词组spend on的句型。如:I spent 10 dollars on this book.

2. 运用词组pay for的句型。I paid 10 dollars for this book.

3. 运用cost的句型,此种句型的主语可以是物,如:The book cost me 10 dollars. 也可以是人,如:It cost me 10 dollars to buy this book.

楼主所举的句子中的take,作“花费”解时,一般指花费时间和精力,如:It took 4 hours to finish the task. 花费金钱的还是用cost比较好。另外,“It takes...”句型是英语中十分地道和常用的句型。

It costs sb some money
sb spends some money