gm科技网:急需!请帮忙译成汉语~ 越快越好!~

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/10/03 14:59:12
不要求质量,不过不要用软件啦~ 至少要翻成能读的句子嘛... 拜托~
翻译不求质量啊~ -.-

Because of inventions that increased productivity, such as the internal combustion engine and the cotton gin, manufacturers were able to mass-produce goods of uniform quality. The resulting excess production, however, could be profitable only if it attracted customers living beyond the local markets. Fortunately, the long-distance transportation network of rivers and canals was being replaced in mid-century by a much speedier system of roads and railroads.
All that remained for modern advertising to do was to devise an effective and efficient communication system that could reach a widely dispersed marketplace. National media developed as the country’s transportation system grew. At about the same time a number of new technologies emerged that greatly facilitated mass marketing and mass communications. Most notably, the telegraph, the telephone, and the typewriter provided dramatic improvements in mass-message delivery. The early advertising experts, such as Volney Palmer, the first “adman”, functioned strictly as media brokers. Palmer established himself as an “agent” in 1841 in Philadelphia, and opened a branch office in Boston in 1845 and New York in 1849, charging a commission for placing ads in newspapers. Thoroughly familiar with all the periodicals and their rates, these early media brokers had a keen ability to negotiate. They received their commissions out of the fees paid by publishers. The messages were prepared primarily by the advertisers or writers they hired directly and often featured exaggerated and outrageous claim.
By the late nineteenth century the advertising profession was more fully developed. Agencies had taken on the role of convincing manufacturers to advertise their products. Ads had assumed a more complete informational and educational role. Copywriting had become a polished and reputable craft. Ad 1.7 is an example of an ad for an early advertising agency.



留给现代广告业的任务是设计一套有效且高效、能够连接高度分散市场的通信系统。随着国家运输系统的成长,国内媒体也在不断发展。同时,一系列大大帮助大众市场和大众通信的新技术也出现了。尤其是,电报、电话和打印机在大量信息传递方面提供了引人注目的改进。早期的广告专家,例如Volney Palmer,第一个扮演了严格意义上的媒体代理商的角色。Palmer在1841年的费城把自己变成了一个“机构”,并分别于1845年在波士顿以及于1849年在纽约开办了一家分支办公室,通过在报纸上刊登广告收取佣金。与这些期刊和他们的收益率完全相似的是,这些早期的媒体代理商都对谈判有着敏感的能力。他们从付给出版商的费用中获得自己的佣金。广告内容则主要是有代理商直接雇用的作者起草,并且这些内容多是些言过其实且愤怒的评论。
