2017年捐肾价格:如何保护那些高等的灵长目动物,我们应该怎样为它们营造良好的栖息环境!(In English)

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/02 19:41:48
Many of higher primates,such as chimpanzees and gorilla are endangered as a result of human activties---either by direct hunting or by the destruction of their habitat.What can we do to help these endangered species and make sure that we do not cause more harm to them?


Environmental protection officials plan to do a head count of plant and animal species across the country. The survey will start in the second half of the year and aims to get a thorough idea of the status of the country's species.Focus will be on agricultural crops, domesticated animals, trees, flowers, herbal plants, aquatic plants, micro-organism and species in nature reserves.

The survey will provide information for a national database on biological species, and survey is a first step to fulfill an April 1 directive by the State Council to strengthen the protection and management of biological resources, which abound in China.In an effort to safeguard the environment, control pollution and rebuild damaged ecosystems, the country has been strengthening its legal system on biodiversity protection.

Some 21 of the reserves have been included in the list of internationally important wetlands and three have been listed as World Natural Heritage sites.The survey will be jointly carried out by a number of ministries such as the State Environmental Protection Administration, the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Forestry Administration.