
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/04 04:11:54
One of the biggest advantages for studying business in the United States is the close proximity to the many large, well-known corporations with headquarters in metropolitan areas such as New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, and Washington, D.C. These companies are constantly offering job opportunities to college graduates with business degrees.

Some companies offer internships and co-ops for students to gain experience in business and industry. A college degree is invaluable to an individual searching for a good paying job, but experience is just as important. Students in the United States who use an internship or participate in a cooperative education while in college will have a leg up on the competition when it comes time to sending out resumes and pitching credentials to prospective employers. United States colleges encourage students to take these opportunities by offering them a full gamut of internship and co-op possibilities to help them acquire the skills necessary to enter the competitive job market. Not all students with undergraduate degrees are heading straight into the work force. Many are taking the next step to success in the business management field - an advanced degree or a master's degree in business administration (MBA). Many colleges and universities in America offer graduate-level programs that offer a wide range of business facets.

One of the biggest advantages for studying business in the United States is the close proximity to the many large, well-known corporations with headquarters in metropolitan areas such as New York, Los Angeles, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Boston, and Washington, D.C. These companies are constantly offering job opportunities to college graduates with business degrees.

Some companies offer internships and co-ops for students to gain experience in business and industry. A college degree is invaluable to an individual searching for a good paying job, but experience is just as important.

Students in the United States who use an internship or participate in a cooperative education while in college will have a leg up on the competition when it comes time to sending out resumes and pitching credentials to prospective employers. United States colleges encourage students to take these opportunities by offering them a full gamut of internship and co-op possibilities to help them acquire the skills necessary to enter the competitive job market.
Not all students with undergraduate degrees are heading straight into the work force. Many are taking the next step to success in the business management field - an advanced degree or a master's degree in business administration (MBA). Many colleges and universities in America offer graduate-level programs that offer a wide range of business facets.
并不是所有的本科毕业生能直接投入到工作。他们中的许多人选择在商业管理领域去争取成功 – 商业管理领域的高级学位或硕士学位(MBA)。美国许多学院和(综合性)大学提供研究生课程,为学生提供更广阔的商业方面(的机会)。