急诊科存在的主要问题:Help~~How to build a harmonious society?

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/10/02 17:46:07
I'm a senior high school student.my teacher want me to give a talk about "How to build a harmonious society",the talk should be 3minutes,
who can help me ?do not use thw word too hard, I am just a senior high school student.

How to Build A Harmonious Society?

In a harmonious society people at all levels respect each other. Labour, knowledge, technology and capital are all factors of wealth creation, which can make profits and should be respected so long as they have made contributions to society.

A harmonious society should see honest, friendly and harmonious relationships and just, fair and open competition between social members, regions and departments. In such a society, competition will optimize the distribution of resources, foster technological progress, develop social productivity and raise overall national strength.

A harmonious society advocates an overall, co-ordinated and sustainable development concept, making the interests of different sectors balanced.

The first and foremost task to build a harmonious society is to maintain sustainable and rapid economic development. Only by constantly developing social productivity, continuously enhancing national economic strength and constantly improving people's living standards can society develop harmoniously.

Second, we should uphold the principle of governing the country by law and building a legal system for a harmonious society. In accordance with the spirit of the Constitution, it is imperative for us to firmly support, encourage and guide private economic development.

Third, we should increase employment opportunities, alleviate employment pressures and gradually establish a perfect social security system. We should also implement proactive employment policies. At the same time, we should improve the social security system, for example, in unemployment benefit, medical expenses and pensions.
Also, we must raise the income of low-wage earners and increase the size of the middle classes.

To avoid polarization and social contradictions, we must gradually narrow the gap between income and living standards. Here, the key lies in the government, which has an unshirkable duty to help the poor. So, the government should enhance its poverty-relief strength and its financial investment to really improve the conditions of poor families and raise them up to become members of the middle class. This is of great significance to the building of a harmonious society.

In addition, we will crack down on various social ills, which are a poisonous tumour in a harmonious society and must be eliminated.

Last, the Party and government officials and civil servants should abide by laws and public morality, work conscientiously, and must not be corrupt.

All people should co-exist harmoniously, love and help each other, encourage each other and make an effort to contribute to the building of a harmonious society.

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Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 05:30:30 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
And is conditional, not without conditions; And have a principle, not principle; And is a known science, not confused ignorance; And a socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the other is not capitalism; And advanced health, not backward pathological; And a mass of people, not the minority; And so on.

Harmonious society is not good faith community, social integrity of the community is blinded by the trivial, one mask society. Integrity barrier eye, not in the building and the achievement of social harmony. This is a very important point.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 05:29:05 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Harmony is inclusive of the (science), law, socialism, moral positive, healthy, lively, dynamic factors.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:15:24 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit
I personally think that building a harmonious society is a good proposal, the key lies in how to implement, how to manage in the current climate, it is difficult to do, and people without moral values as Xingshi beliefs on animals, long ago, people largely believe that communism could be achieved immediately, but also because this was a good social atmosphere than many now, at present, Chinese people's own moral beliefs has been reversed blind money hungry, lost credibility, a harmonious society must be based on common moral values of a people based on the beliefs and faith to help the Chinese people to recover is the most important first step

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:12:52 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit
Harmonious social environment is the foundation of people, the legislative people, running, and all the people from the interest. Only people really live and work, the state can stability, the broadest possible social mobilization initiative to put into the construction and development.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:10:48 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
"democracy and the rule of law, fairness and justice" in place, we can establish a "good faith and fraternity, and dynamic, stable, orderly, and people live in harmony with it socialist harmonious society. "

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:09:54 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Citrus medica build social harmony and stability, we must seriously deal with the masses and the government, and this is the key to our work.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:08:59 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
We should establish a harmonious society, we must first follow the modern objective laws of social development, reform of the superstructure that are not suited to modern productivity (productivity is the most vivid of the most dynamic factors) for the development of things, the establishment of an advanced economic structure and political system

2, to establish requirements for the development of modern social democracy and the rule of law, to regulate social behaviour

3, inheritance and development of advanced culture, the establishment of social integrity

4, "serving the people wholeheartedly" as a starting point the work of the government, to uphold virtue and use Xun Li, a research, and enhance decision-making level for each policy measures can achieve win-win results

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:08:10 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Equity and justice are the foundation of a harmonious society! The rule of law is to ensure harmonious system! And the protection of vulnerable groups and concern is an important prerequisite for harmony in society (intellectuals) to create respect for and recognition (title, intellectual property rights, and social evaluation) is a harmonious social development engine!

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:07:35 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Not solve society "official China confrontation," and the serious corruption problems and injustice, "harmony" can only be a good desire can be compared to the contract, not the disease-ray eat nutritional supplement, can solve the problem?

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:06:48 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
From "the Big Dipper" and "Fun" to "humanize management" to "people-oriented" and then "create harmonious society," Chinese leaders of different ideas changes reflected changes in human society "force majeure." This progress, unusual.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:06:07 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Harmony is inclusive of the (science), law, socialism, moral positive, healthy, lively, dynamic factors.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 02:02:31 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Read this article, or indeed a feeling of their own theory. Or where there is unscientific, and some theoretical be too rigid.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:59:13 [ Reply ] IP:61.233.144. Unit
Harmonious society must be harmonious policy as a guarantee.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:42:12 [ Reply ] IP:221.237.32. Unit

Chengdu is the first proposed the building of standardized services city government proposed changes to the management of government services-based government. "Experts think," "Sunshine Project" and the "bus of reform", "pluralism supervision," and so on initiatives is the point of these two years of service, have made significant achievements.

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:41:07 发表评论 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit

Simply Lu:chun不duimazui, double, ....

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:39:02 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit

Chengdu In recent years, on how to foster and implement the scientific development concept, build a harmonious society,

Considerable, creative practice can be said to be multifaceted, all-round, all levels of practice,

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:36:53 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit
A harmonious society, must be people-oriented, attention must be given five questions : Fighting corruption is a task of top priority. Strengthening of the rule of law-based and democratic system; Xiaofengtianyu to become the national policy for some time to come; It is OK to domestic science, sound economic policies; Vigilance education mistakenly States.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:34:41 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit
Now every month in real estate soar, and we are getting even houses, without result, harmony, not address these practical issues, but it is always empty and !!1

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:31:44 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit
The current situation and the situation showed that only firmly grasp the key to the system and institutional innovation and create a good society can advance towards a fair and effective mechanism, can we truly build a harmonious society.

Website visitor comments on 2005-08-02 01:30:06 [ Reply ] IP:203.207.189. Unit

Governments throughout the prominent role of the urban and rural integration model Chengdu another prominent feature. Compared to other models, in the promotion of urban and rural integration process, the government in the planning arrangements, system design, organization and implementation, performance evaluation, and many other aspects of playing a positive role.


网友 于 2005-08-02 05:29:05 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:15:24 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:12:52 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:10:48 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:09:54 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:08:59 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★




网友 于 2005-08-02 02:08:10 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:07:35 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:06:48 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:06:07 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 02:02:31 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:59:13 发表评论 [回复] IP:61.233.144.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:42:12 发表评论 [回复] IP:221.237.32.★

成都是第一个提出建设规范化服务政府城市,提出转变管理型政府为 服务型政府。“聘请专家智囊”、“阳光工程”、“公车改革”、“ 多元化监督”等等举措,是这两年服务型政府的亮点,都取得了较大 的成绩。

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:41:07 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★


网友 于 2005-08-02 01:39:02 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★


进行了大量的、具有创造性的实践,可以说是多方面的、全方位的、 各种层次的实践,

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:36:53 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★
构建和谐社会,必须以人为本,必须注意五个问题:反腐败是头等大事;加强法制建 设和民主制度建设;削峰填谷要成为今后一段时间的国策;国内要实 行科学、稳健的经济政策;警惕教育误国。

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:34:41 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:31:44 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★

网友 于 2005-08-02 01:30:06 发表评论 [回复] IP:203.207.189.★

政府在整个城乡一体化中的突出作用是成都模式的又一个突出特点。 相对于其他模式而言,在推动城乡一体化的过程中,政府在规划安排 、制度设计、组织实施、绩效考核等诸多方面都发挥了积极的作用。


我是想要我提供关于 " 该如何建立一个和睦的社会 " 的谈话的一位高中 学生.我的老师,谈话应该是 3 分钟,
谁能帮助我 ?不要使用 thw 字太难的, 我只是一位高中学生。


Just for your informaiton:
Harmonious Society

Nowadays all Chinese are sparing no effort to build a harmonious society. A society without warfare, conflict, starvation and terror; A society that is full of dream, amity, equality and solidarity. In my eyes, harmonious society is the outcome and fruit of man's friendly treatment to the society, other people as well as the nature.

First and foremost, the establishment of the harmonious society depends on how we do by our society. As is known to all, society is made up of our fellow man, it's not the struggle of a single person but the endeavor all of us that eventually lead to the development of our society. Living in the society, we all with no exception have the holy responsibility and obligatory duty to devote our pygmy effort so as to boost it to be more flourishing.

In the next place, the rapprochement relationship between our human is also an indispensable compositive part of our hearty desire. It's true that we all live in the same star, under our feet is the same soil. Consequently, we ought to assist with each other and think of others. As to the individual, Rather than scolding and censuring others, I think that one should be concerned about the people around him. In short, we are supposed to be grateful to others and always accept to other per people magnanimously. “Do as you would be done by others”, if we always bear this meaningful saying in mind, I firmly believe that our life will be more substantial and our society will be an easeful family for us to live in.

Last but not the least, the importance of our nature also cannot be ignored. In the past, man have unscrupulous destroyed the nature and squandered the natural resources with no hope of the future. But to our relief, modern people have fully realized that it is necessary to protect our nature. And then, strong measures be taken, relevant laws be made, all this are for one purpose, to wit, decorating our environment so that our society can be an beautiful one that come up to the standard.

To sum up,the formation of the harmonious society is not something that can be achieved within a short period of time. On the contrary, only by our joint effort can we reach the goal of building our society to be a harmonious one.