海峡导报今日新闻:I'll be sleeping with my girlfriend. 就是去睡觉的意思吗?

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/06 16:44:11

我的英语泛读书上就有(是一段古罗马神话):“The last mortal woman that Jupiter ever slept with was Alcmence...”

还有一种说法:“lie with”,我在圣经上看到的:“
Ge. 19:31
One day the older daughter said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man around here to lie with us, as is the custom all over the earth.
Ge. 19:32
Let’s get our father to drink wine and then lie with him and
preserve our family line through our father.”

还有一种说法:“sleep around”这是我在音乐剧“悲惨世界”中听到的。

我认为是有 做爱 的意思。就像中文里面说 “我和她睡过了”一样,看你怎么理解。
更直接的表达 做爱 可以用:make love;have sex;或者直接的fuck.

就要去睡觉:I'll sleep with my girlfriend.
做爱是:make love.
你那是Chinese English

有那个意思,美国人开玩笑就喜欢说I slept with your mom或者就是I slept your mom.