
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/02 18:41:43

Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, but you can do it. congratulations!

There is a girl who is willing to wait for me up to next lifetime. She said gently and softly:” Want to be my boy-friend. Await the next life."

You are the best present to me!

People laugh and people cry. Some give up and some always try. Some say hi while some say bye. Others may forget you but never I. Happy New Year!

I opened my wallet found it empty, reached into my pocket found no coin, searched my life found you! Then I realized how rich I was.

Not every flower symbolize for love, but rose can do it; not every tree can stand thirst, but alamo can do it, not every pig can read short message, but you can do it. congratulations!

I dare not to bare my heart in the teeth all the times: I am very fond of you. I have been strongly attached to you for a long time....Would you please send my words to the girl sitting besides you?



If you grudge each minute ,it will become etermal .


a little (稍微一点儿)
address (地址)
after you. (您先请)
all right. (好的)
can someone here speak Chinese? (有懂中国话的人吗)
cheers. (干杯)
congratulations! (恭喜)
excuse me a moment. (我失陪一会儿)
excuse me. (对不起了)
good afternoon. (您好)
good evening. (晚上好)
good morning. (早上好)
good night. (晚安)
good-bye. (再见)
how are you? (您好吗)
how do you do? (幸会幸会)
how far? (多少距离)
how long? (多少(时间、长度)
how many? (多少(数)
how much? (多少(钱)
how? (怎样)
i don't understand. (你说的话我不懂)
i see. (知道了)
i want . (我要...)
i'm lost. (我迷路了)
it's hot(cold),isn't it? (好热(冷)啊)
just a moment,please. (请稍等)
let's meet again. (下次再见)
lovely weather,isn't it? (天气真好啊)
many (很多)
married (已婚)
may i have your name? (请问尊姓大名)
my name is . (我叫...)
nice to meet you. (能见到您真高兴)
no (不)
occupation (职业)
pardon me? (请再说一遍)
please hurry. (请快些)
please speak more slowly. (请说得再慢一点)
please! (请)
single (单身)
thank you. (谢谢你(们)
that's all right. (行了)
what does this mean? (这是什么意思)
what time? (几点了)
what? (什么)
what's this? (这是什么)
when? (什么时候)
where is the restroom? (厕所在哪里)
where? (哪里)
which? (哪一个)
who? (谁)
why? (为什么)
yes (是)
you're welcome. (别客气)
alles klar. (好的)
auf wiedersehen! (下次再见)
auf wiedersehen! (再见)
bitte nach ihnen. (您先请)
bitte schon (别客气)
bitte! (请)
danke (谢谢)
ein wenig (稍微一点儿)
einen moment bitte! (请稍等)
entschuldigen sie mich bitte! (对不起了)
entschuldigen sie mich bitte! (我失陪一会儿)
fntschuldigen sie! (对不起了)
gut! (行了) gute nacht. (晚安)
guten abend. (晚上好)
guten morgen. (早上好)
guten tag. (您好)
ich freue mich,sie kennenzulernen. (幸会幸会)
ich freue mich,sie zu sehen. (能见到您真高兴)
ich gratuliere! (恭喜)
ich habe den weg verloren. (我迷路了)
ich verstehe sie nicht. (你说的话我不懂)
ich verstehe. (知道了)
in ordnung. (好的)
ja (是)
nein (不)
sagen sie bitte noch einmal! (请再说一遍)
schnell bitte! (请快些)
schon gut! (行了)
schones wetter,nicht wahr? (天气真好啊)
sprechen sie bitte noch langsamer! (请说得再慢一点)
um wieviel uhr? (几点了)
viele (很多)
wann? (什么时候)
warum? (为什么)
was bedeutet das? (这是什么意思)
was ist das? (这是什么)
was? (什么)
welche? (哪一个)
wer? (谁)
wie geht es ihnen? (您好吗)
wie heiben sie? (请问尊姓大名)
wie lange? (多少(时间、长度)
) wie viel? (多少(钱))
wie viele? (多少(数))
wie? (怎样)
wieweit? (多少距离)
wo ist die toilette? (厕所在哪里)
wo? (哪里)
zum wohl! (干杯)
ca ne fait rien. (行了)
excusez-moi. (对不起了)
je ne comprends pas. (你说的话我不懂)
je vous en prie. (别客气)
merci. (谢谢)
non (不)
oui (是)
pardon ,repetez,s'il vous plait. (请再说一遍)
pardon. (我失陪一会儿)
parlez-vous plus lentement,s'il vour plait. (请说得再慢一点)
sil vous plait. (请)

im wait'in 4 u, pls come wheneveru like,i'll be never 2 BZ 2 CU