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引导让步状语从句常用的连词有:though(虽然), although (虽然),as(虽然),even if(即使),even though(即使),whatever(无论什么),wherever(无论哪里),no matter wh…(无论…)。


Though he tried hard,he was not successful.虽然他尽力 而为,但他没有成功。

No matter who asks for advice,she is always ready to help. 不管谁向她请教,她总是乐于助人。



Child as he is,he knows a lot.虽然他是个孩子,他懂得很多。(表语child提前,而且冠词a省略)

Much as I admire him, I cannot excuse his faults.虽然我很 崇拜他,可我不能原谅他的错误。(状语much提前)



Though cold, the old man still wore a vest.


Whether well or sick,he always keeps smiling.


让步状语从句表示:虽然,尽管,即使等概念,由although(尽管), though(尽管), however(无论怎样), whatever(无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时), wherever(无论哪里), whether(是否), no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) (无论……), even if(即使), even though(即使)等词引导。

如: We won”t be discouraged even if(=even though) we fail ten times.我们就是失败十次也不泄气。

It was an exciting game, though / although no goals were scored.那是一场精彩的球赛,尽管一个球都没进。(though, although不能与 but连用)

Whether you believe it or not, it”s true.不管你信不信,这是真的。

However (=No matter how) expensive it may be, I”ll take it.无论它有多贵,我也要买下它。

Don”t let them in, whoever(=no matter who) they are.不管他们是谁,别让他们进来。

No matter what I say or how I say it, he always thinks I”m wrong.无论我说什么或怎么说,他总认为是我错。


1.no matter



e.g. However pure the water looks,I do not want to drink it。

I want to marry the man I love, no matter who he may be。

下面句字不能用no matter结构:

Whoever comes back firs is supposed to win the prize.(主语从句)

I am ready to do whatever you want me to .(宾语从句)

2. as 引导让步状语从句的用法:


e.g. Heavily as it was raining outside, they started out very early.

Young as he is, he knows a lot=Though he is young 或Young though he is, he….

他虽然年轻,但懂得很多。(though 也有这种用法,可以替换as,但although没有这种用法)


It was hard work;; I enjoyed it, though=It was hard work, but I enjoyed it.那工作很苦,但是我喜欢干。

3.用though/although, as 引导让步状语从句时,句中不能用but表示转折语气。

不能说:Though he looks weak, but he is healthy.

而要说:Though he looks weak, he is healthy.

或者说:He looks weak, but he is healthy.


让步状语从句 的常用引导词有:although(尽管), though(尽管), however(无论怎样), whatever(无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时), wherever(无论哪里), whether(是否), no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) (无论……), even if(即使), even though(即使)等词引导。

1) 使用though, although时,务必避免与but连用。
2) even if, even though和as if, as though不同。后者常常要求使用虚拟语气。
I've already told you that I'm going to buy it, _________.
A) however much it costs B) however does it costs much
C) how much does it cost D) no matter how it costs
全句的意思是:“已经告诉过你了,不管花多少钱,我都打算买它”。空格应填上正常语序的让步状语从句,所以答案应该是A。B和C都是倒装,所以不对;D) no matter how应后接形容词或副词,所以D也不对。


让步状语从句表示:虽然,尽管,即使等概念,由although(尽管), though(尽管), however(无论怎样), whatever(无论什么), whoever(无论谁), whomever(无论谁), whichever(无论哪个), whenever(无论何时), wherever(无论哪里), whether(是否), no matter (who, what, where, when, etc) (无论……), even if(即使), even though(即使)等词引导。