iphone6香港官网价格:hide museum gone, where are hide's stuff????

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/02 02:52:53
where did hide (Matsumoto Hideto)'s stuff go when the hide museum closed? Have Hiroshi sold them all? if not, where can i buy hide's stuff...

so sad about this

hide的staff好象是他的弟弟松本裕市,在hide museum
闭馆之后他出了一本叫<我眼中的hide>的书,现在仍在从事hide的FAN CLUB以及其他工作.
hide's staff is just his brother Matsumoto Yuki.when the hide museum closed,he wrote a book about hide.Now he is still work on works OF hide's fan club.