重庆朝天门好玩吗:谢谢了 谁能进来帮忙翻译一下啊 挺少的

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/10/06 00:12:09
《War of the Worlds》改编自英国作家H.G. Wells出版於1898年的科幻小说,其故事主要描述外星人入侵地球的情况。故事以这些外来长相似章鱼的火星人,以其强大的科技技术攻击地球,这些火星人没有生殖器官,他们繁衍后代的方式是自我分裂,他们不会进食、也不会消化,他们把掳获的地球人血液直接注入血管而生存。正当他们即将征服整个地球时,却一个接一个死亡,因为这些火星人对於人类的疾病没有抵抗力…。

1898年,威尔斯(H. G. Wells)发表了小说《星际战争》(The War of the Worlds),讲述火星人入侵地球的故事。火星人拥有我们望尘莫及的高科技,地球人的军事力量和武器装备在它们面前不值一哂,眼看地球的沦陷已经无可避免,火星人却意外地纷纷死于地球上的细菌感染——原来它们对细菌没有免疫能力。

the movie "war of the world" was adopted from the English writer H.G.Wells' sicentific fiction which was published in 1898. the writer described the situation of the invasion of the saucermen. the main characters of this story are the saucermen from Mars, who attacted the earth with their strong scientific technology. without generative organs, these saucermen produced their offspring by disintegrating themselves. they didn't eat, and they don't digest neither. they make the captives live on by input new blood vessels. at the point of their conquering the whole earth, they died out one by one, because they didn't have any resistibility to the diseases of humen beings.

in 1898, H. G. Wells published the fiction "The War of the Worlds", telling the story of the invasion of the saucermen. the saucermen from Mars had developed sientific power, thus the militery power and weapon equipment were all useless to them. when the failure of the human beings was coming, the saucermen from Mars died out from the viral infection accidently, because they didn't have any resistibility to the diseases of humen beings.



War of the Worlds" reorganizes from English writer H.G. Wells published in 1898 science fiction, its story mainly described the alien to invade Earth's situation.The story by these external long similar octopus's Martian, by its formidable science and technology technological attack Earth, these Martian reproductive organ, they has not multiplied descendant's way is the self-fission, they cannot eat food, not to be able to digest, they the earthman blood which captures pour into the blood vessel to survive directly.When right they soon conquer the entire Earth, one after the other died actually, because these Martian do not have the resistivity regarding humanity's disease…

In 1898, Wells (H. G. Wells) has published the novel "Interspace War" (The War of the Worlds), narrates the Martian to invade Earth's story.The Martian has the high tech which our can not hold a candle, earthman's military force and the weaponry in front of them is unworthy one shen, saw the Earth fell to the enemy already is inevitable, the Martian accidentally in abundance died actually on Earth's bacterium infection - - originally they does not have the immunity ability to the bacterium.
