
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/28 12:23:45
实施ISO9000标准对推进企业管理创新的影响研究: 随着经济全球化,一体化的出现以及中国加入WTO,我国的企业将面临前所未有来自各个方面的竞争压力。因此,企业如何把握机遇,迎接挑战,在新形势的冲击下寻求发展,增强竞争力,已成为当务之急。本文从影响企业管理创新的因素入手,对ISO9000质量管理体系的发展历程和质量管理的原则进行了深入分析,对 ISO9000质量管理体系进行了全面详细的阐述,详细分析了ISO9000质量管理体系对企业管理创新的影响,并指出企业实施ISO9000标准推进企业管理创新中应采取的措施。提出如何运用ISO9000质量体系实施企业管理的创新。

Along with the economic globalization and integration, and China’s joining in the WTO, the business enterprises of our country face unprecedented competition pressure that comes from many aspects. Therefore, how to catch the opportunity, greet the challenge, look for the right to develop under the new impact of the situation and strengthen the competition ability have become the urgent matter of the moment for our business enterprise. According to the concept of the quality management and the development process of the quality of ISO9000 management system and the principle of the quality management, this paper analyses the ISO9000 management system completely, and the development of the ISO9000 quality management system which is applying in our business enterprise ,as well as the existing problems and the solution. In addition, more research and analysis is included in this paper about how the ISO9000 quality management system influences the innovation of business management.

Implementation of the ISO9000 standard for the promotion of enterprise management innovations impact studies : Along with economic globalization, integration and the emergence of China's accession to the WTO, China's enterprises will face unprecedented competitive pressure from various aspects. Thus, enterprises can grasp opportunities, meet challenges, the impact of the new situation in the search for development, and strengthen the competitiveness has become imperative. From the impact of this factor with innovative enterprise management of the ISO9000 quality management system development process and quality management principles to conduct in-depth analysis of the ISO9000 quality management system for a comprehensive detailed, detailed analysis of the ISO9000 quality management system for enterprise management innovation, and that the implementation of the ISO9000 standard enterprise management innovation promoting measures to be taken. How to make use of the ISO9000 quality system of enterprise management innovation.