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  NBA Cares Celebrity Fantasy League
  Updates and results through Jan. 22 截至1.22赛况
  By Rob Peterson

  Maybe it's only me, but I find it ironic that Bill Simmons, a Celtics fan 'til the day he dies and Boston through and through, needed a historic evening from a Laker to help him win his Week 12 NBA Cares Celebrity Fantasy League matchup.
  原先以为只有我Rob Peterson满心期待着湖人的胜利之夜;可现在,我讶异的发现那个地地道道、致死不渝的凯尔特的忠实拥护者——Bill Simmons,竟然也和我有着同样期待。而Simmons所以这样做,是因为他需要LA人的得分,帮助他在第12个星期的名人虚拟篮球对抗赛(“NBA关怀”行动之一)里拔得头筹。

  Simmons defeated Star Jones Reynolds 975-934 and every single one of Kobe Bryant's 81 points help. Bryant's incredible line translated to 79 fantasy points for Simmons' team, who need them for the final margin, which was hardly comfortable.
  Bryant在23号晚上的每一分都转化成了Bill队的“战绩”,按照Fantasy League的统计规则(见后文),Kobe那令人惊叹的表现为他们赢得了79分——这使Simmons最终以975-934击败了Star Jones Reynolds。而整整41分的差距想必足够让Star郁闷一段时间了。

  But a Celtics fan depending on a Laker for an important, face-saving win? It ranks up there with some of the stranger pairings of all time. For example:

  uOscar-winner Ray Milland and football player Rosie Grier in The Thing with Two Heads
  奥斯卡最佳男主角Ray Milland(《爱情故事》的男主角)和足球名将Rosie Grier在1972年一部名为 “The Thing with Two Heads ”的电影中的合作。
  vAs Bill pointed out earlier on Celeb League message board smack talk, Bernie Mac and Angela Bassett (sorry, Tre) in Mr. 3000,
  又好像Bill在名人联盟留言版上所暗示的——在2004的喜剧电影“Mr. 3000”中搭档的 Bernie Mac和Angela Bassett
  wand In one of the funnier moments in Saturday Night Live history, fake Frank Sinatra and fake Stevie Wonder:
  Eddie Murphy (as Stevie Wonder): "I am black and you are white."
  Joe Piscopo (as Frank Sinatra): "You are blind as a bat, and I have sight!"
  同样,隶属Saturday Night Live历史时刻之一的一幕是由“Frank Sinatra”和“Stevie Wonder”共同上演的
  Eddie Murphy (饰Stevie Wonder):“我绝望了,你却害怕”
  Joe Piscopo (饰Frank Sinatra):“你难道瞎了吗,我可是看得见”

  Like I needed to tell you who played who, but I digress...
  I do need to tell you, however, how the rest of the league played out.

  Cedric the Entertainer squeaked past Pam Anderson by the thinnest of margins, 867-856. Bernie Mac had a tough matchup against Diana Taurasi but eventually prevailed 1011-970.
  Cedric the Entertainer凭借着11分的极弱优势以867-856终结了Pam Anderson。
  虽然Diana Taurasi相较Bernie Mac有更好的搭档,但最终被Bernie以1011-970击败。

  For a couple of days, it looked as if Kenny Smith would get win No. 2, but it wasn't to be as Matthew Modine earned win No. 3 with a 721-696 triumph over the former Rocket. In the week's only blowout, Samuel L. Jackson devoured his Deep Blue Sea co-star Michael Rapaport like a genetically engineered shark, 1017-880.
  其实,有那么几天,种种迹象暗示着Kenny Smith有望排名第二,但这种迹象被第三位的Matthew Modine借助前火箭队的力量,以721-696打碎到了九霄云外。

  We have some intriguing matchups in Week 13. Simmons tries to avenge his earlier loss to Taurasi, while two FOXies -- Pam Anderson and Michael Rapaport -- duke it out. If Rapaport wins, he could tie Anderson for first place in the West.
  总而言之,在第13周里,我们将会看到一些精彩的对抗。在东部,Simmons一心想着向Taurasi报一箭之仇;与此同时,西部方面Pam Anderson和Michael Rapaport两个同门兄弟(同属于FOX公司)将要相互较量一番。一旦Rapaport赢了,他将和Anderson并列第一。

  Cedric tries to keep pace with Rapaport as he takes on the 1-11 Kenny Smith. Star Jones can pull within one win of third place in the East if she topples Sam Jackson. Finally, Bernie Mac tries for his 12th win in 13 attempts against Matthew Modine.
  1-11,Cedric与Rapaport保持着相同的步调;Star Jones打败了Sam Jackson,现坐在东部第三的位置。

  As always, you can check out the NBA Cares Celebrity Fantasy League here.
  以下,你可以像往常一样察看Celebrity Fantasy League的详细情况。

  STANDINGS Through Week 12 (Jan. 22)
  Pamela Anderson 6-6 Bernie Mac 11-1
  Michael Rapaport 5-7 Bill Simmons 10-2
  Cedric the Entertainer 5-7 Samuel L. Jackson 8-4
  Matthew Modine 3-9 Diana Taurasi 6-6
  Kenny Smith 1-11 Star Jones Reynolds 5-7

  Pamela Anderson近期在FOX出品的一部情景剧Stacked中担任主角和制作人(Wednesdays at 8:30 p.m. ET/7:30 CT)。 而Stacked的首次公演将定于11月9号。欲知详情,请查询www.pamelaanderson.com
  对应机构:Pepperdine Baseball
  Wk. 12: Lost to Cedric the Entertainer, 867-856
  Wk.11 Defeated Matthew Modine, 889-746
  Wk. 10 Lost to Star Jones Reynolds, 773-649
  Overall: 6-6, 9096 fantasy points, first in the West

  大家以前应该在诸如True Romance, Bamboozled, Men of Honor, Beautiful Girls和 The 6th Day的电影、 以及电视剧Boston Public中见过Michael。现如今,大家可以在周日晚FOX的热门新喜剧The War at Home中看到他。
  对应机构 : Red Cross Hurricane Katrina Relief Fund
  Wk. 12 Lost to Samuel L. Jackson, 1017-880
  Wk. 11 Lost to Cedric the Entertainer, 856-837
  Wk. 10 Defeated Kenny Smith, 785-680
  Overall: 5-7, 9645 fantasy points, tied for second in the West

  自从Cedric the Entertainer在Steve Harvey Show中担任主角后,就一跃成为了The Original Kings of Comedy中的一员。在商业电影Big Momma's House, Barbershop1—2 和 Be Cool中也频频露面。
  对应机构:The Cedric the Entertainer Charitable Foundation
  Wk. 12 Defeated Pam Anderson, 867-856
  Wk. 11 Defeated Michael Rapaport, 856-837
  Wk. 10 Defeated Matthew Modine, 757-430
  Wk. 9 Lost to Diana Taurasi, 915-674
  Overall: 5-7, 8618 fantasy points, tied for second in the West

  Matthew Modine近期完成了三部即将问世的Mary, Opa! 和 Kettle of Fish的故事片。这位影场老将已经出演了40多部电影。其中包括 Birdy, Married to the Mob, Vision Quest, Full Metal Jacket和On Any Given Sunday.
  对应机构: Lustgarten Pancreatic Cancer Foundation/Wounded Warrior Project
  Wk. 12 Defeated Kenny Smith, 721-696
  Wk.11 Lost to Pamela Anderson, 889-746
  Wk. 10 Lost to Cedric the Entertainer, 757-430
  Overall: 3-9, 7925 fantasy points, fourth in the West

  在NBA为Houston Rockets赢得两次冠军后,Kenny仍然认为在他之前的职业生涯中,那场去年夏天由他组织的、为Katrina地区的灾民们筹款的NBA Hurricane Relief比赛是最精彩的亮点。他说那是他参加过的最盛大的比赛。
  对应机构: Aim High Foundation
  Wk. 12 Lost to Matthew Modine, 721-696
  Wk. 11 Lost to Diana Taurasi, 858-648
  Wk. 10 Lost to Michael Rapaport, 785-680
  Overall: 1-11, 7275 fantasy points, last in the West

  Mac从4岁起就能逗人捧腹。他充分的利用这一天赋开拓着自己的喜剧事业,成为了Original Kings of Comedy的一员,并在他的情景剧"The Bernie Mac Show"中担当主角。他的休假时间往往是在家乡Chicago和家人一起度过。
  对应机构:Sarcodosis Foundation/The American Cancer Society
  Wk. 12 Defeated Diana Taurasi, 1011-970
  Wk. 11 Defeated Star Jones Reynolds, 899-713
  Wk. 10 Lost to Bill Simmons, 1110-869
  Overall: 11-1, 11479 fantasy points, first in the East

  Bill Simmons是ESPN网络版/杂志版的专栏作家,专栏名为"Sports Guy"。他的新书"Now I Can Die in Peace"在NYTimes的最畅销榜上居高不下。你可以在Amazon.com或随便什么书店里买到这本书。
  对应机构:Celtics Shamrock Foundation
  Wk. 12 Defeated Star Jones Reynolds, 975-934
  Wk. 11 Defeated Samuel L. Jackson, 955-826
  Wk. 10 Defeated Bernie Mac, 1110-869
  Overall: 10-2, 11005 fantasy points, second in the East

  Samuel因在影片“低俗小说”中饰演Jules Winnfield一角获得了奥斯卡提名,此外,他在Shaft(饰 John Shaft) , Star Wars, Episodes II and III(饰Mace Windu )和Coach Carterand(饰coach Ken Carter)中的表演也获得了一致好评。
  对应机构:Artists for a New South Africa
  Wk. 12 Defeated Michael Rapaport, 1017-880
  Wk. 11 Lost to Bill Simmons, 955-826
  Wk. 10 Lost to Diana Taurasi, 842-819
  Overall: 8-4, 10180 fantasy points, third in the East

  Taurasi是一位效力于Phoenix Mercury(WNBA)的全明星后卫。她在其篮球生涯中获得过多种殊荣:
  在NCAA中为康乃迪克州州立大学捧回了三座冠军奖杯;两次年度最佳学院球员;Olympic的金牌得主; 2004 的WNBA年度最佳新人;并入选2005的All-Star阵容.
  对应机构: Right to Play
  Wk. 12 Lost to Bernie Mac, 1011-970
  Wk. 11 Defeated Kenny Smith, 858-648
  Wk. 10 Defeated Sam Jackson, 842-819
  Overall: 6-6, 8966 fantasy points, fourth in the East

  Star Jones Reynolds现在是ABC电视台"The View"节目的首席主持人之一, 除此之外,她还及律师、作家、慈善家和电视制作人于一身。Star和她的老公都是慈善界的积极人士,对于有利于需要帮助的妇女、儿童和家庭的项目尤为慷慨。Star选择了The Armory Foundation作为她在NBA Cares的此次活动中的合作机构. The Armory设计并建设了世界上最好的室内运动场,例如: the National Track & Field Hall of Fame和获奖作品Charles B. Rangel Technology & Learning Center. 此外,The Armory还提供纽约市规模最大的冬季课外程序以及为我们最重视的孩子们提供重要的发展机会和健康保障。
  对应机构: The Armory Foundation
  Wk. 12 Lost to Bill Simmons, 975-934
  Wk. 11 Lost to Bernie Mac, 899-713
  Wk. 10 Defeated Pam Anderson, 773-649
  Overall: 576, 9434 fantasy points, last in the East


  Cedric the Entertainer vs. Kenny Smith
  Diana Taurasi Bill Simmons
  Samuel L. Jackson Star Jones Reynolds
  Bernie Mac Matthew Modine
  Pam Anderson Michael Rapaport

  “NBA Cares”的Celebrity Fantasy League是顶级的、由10位世界上的娱乐界和篮球界名人组成的虚拟篮球队之间的联赛。在这个联赛中,有9项基本统计数据。以下是这些数据项及其对应分值——

  3分命中/1.0 助攻/2.0 封盖/2.0 抢断/2.0 篮板/1.0

  2分球 罚球
  出手未进/-1.0 出手命中/3.0 出手未进/-1.0 出手命中/2.0

  u(影片概述:一个家财万贯却有种族歧视的男人快要死了,他精心策划着要通过把自己的头移植到他人的身上来继续生存...他的健康状况每日骤下,但是医生们,<Ray Milland饰Dr. Maxwell Kirshner>只找到一名符合手术要求的人——一个从死囚的牢房里出来的黑人<Rosie Grier饰Jack Moss>)
  v(影片讲述了一个47岁的棒球名将斯坦·罗斯<Bernie Mac饰>在体育记者西蒙丝<Angela Bassett饰>的鼓励支持下,顺利复出的故事。)
  w(Stevie Wonder因为早产的缘故,出生时在保温箱里因医院的疏失供给太多氧气而导致失明,但是他却乐观的将失明视为上天的恩赐,让他能够专注的用耳朵倾听。“I Just Called To Say I Love You”是Wonder的一首广为人知的曲子)
  (Frank Sinatra在1935年一次由广播电台举办的业余歌手大赛中,他们的乐队夺得了大奖,奖项名字叫做“梅杰·鲍维斯业余天才小时”。后来他参加一部电影的拍摄,他试演的角色是一位脸涂黑了的男士)

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