
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/29 09:00:55
随着公众对企业履行社会责任情况的日益重视和企业是利益相关者共同契约的形成, SA8000这一新的企业认证体系在西方发达国家开始出现。 作者选择对SA8000进行全面透彻的介绍及它对宁波服装出口企业的影响, 其目的是为了让更多的企业认识到它并非贸易壁垒而是一种企业应尽的义务。 本文从四个方面进行介绍:
1.SA8000的内容及实施情况。 2. SA8000对宁波服装出口企业的影响3.宁波服装出口企业面临的问题4.政府及企业将如何面对。
作者将针对这四个方面进行介绍分析, 希望通过这些研究, 可以让政府.行业协会和宁波服装出口企业充分认识到自身的不足, 增强对自身的要求, 增加对社会的责任感。自觉的把这些要求纳入到自己的管理中去, 把对社会的责任当作是自己的责任。

Implement the social responsibility circumstance to the business enterprise to value increasingly along with the public is the formation of a common contract of benefits with business enterprise, the SA8000 this new business enterprise attestation system starts appear at western and flourishing nation. The choice of the author to the SA8000 carries on the overall very clear introduction and it to rather a clothing exports the business enterprise of influence, its purpose is for letting more business enterprises know it not trade barrier but is the duty that a kind of business enterprise should fulfil. This text from four carry on the introduction:
The contents and the implement circumstances of the 1. SA8000s. 2. SA8000 to rather a clothing exports the business enterprise to affect 3.Rather a clothing exports the problem that business enterprise face 4.Government and business enterprise would ever face.
The author will aim at these four carry on the introduction analysis, hoping to pass these researches, can let the government.The profession association and rather a clothing exports the shortage that the business enterprise knows the oneself well, strengthenning the request to the oneself, increasing to the sense of responsibility of the society.Aware of self of bring into these requests to own management to go to, regard as the responsibility to the society is own responsibility.