食道超声检查什么意思:汉译英,谢谢 (2) 拜托各位了

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/07 14:41:00
Switching between Solvers (Conjugate-Gradient and Sparse)
The Conjugate Gradient (Deformation solver (SOLMTD)) solver generally runs faster and requires less memory than the Sparse solver (Deformation solver (SOLMTD)). However, as with iterative solvers, sometimes has difficulty in convergence for cases with little contact. It has been found, for instance, that at the beginning of a forming process when there are only very few contact nodes, the convergence difficulty occurs. To overcome the convergence difficulty, an automatic switch to the Sparse solver is implemented in the code.
But for a large size problem with tetrahedral elements, the Sparse solver requires more memory that the computer may be able to provide The process will stop without a warning message. The program now tentatively sets 140,000 as the limit for the Sparse switch. Of course, this value should depend on the available RAM of the computer and should not be a constant. To specify the user's own value, he/she can set a limit in terms of the total tetrahedral element number in a file called SW2SP.DAT. This data file should be put in the current working directory.
To find out whether your computer can handle a problem with a potential switch to the Sparse solver, one can choose the Sparse solver in the database and run a few DEFORM iterations. If there is a message where the machine is unable to allocate sufficient memory to run the problem, then it is likely that this approach is necessary.

交替Solvers(共轭梯度和稀少) 在共轭梯度(变形神乎其技(SOLMTD))与一般神乎其技,需要更快记忆比较稀少神乎其技(变形神乎其技(SOLMTD)). 然而,正如反复想解决,有时也难以衔接的情况很少接触. 人们发现,例如,在形成过程中,一开始只有很少的接触点,出现衔接困难. 克服困难衔接,自动转换为稀疏神乎其技的代码执行.
但对部分大型tetrahedral问题,需要更多的记忆稀少神乎其技,可为电脑程序将不停止警报. 目前的初步计划是140套少用为限. 当然,这要取决于可用公羊价值的电脑,不应该是一个常数. 说明用户自己的价值,他/她能在有限的总人数的档案内容tetrahedralsw2sp.dat要求. 这个数据文件放在当前工作目录. 看看你的计算机能处理的问题,有可能转为稀少神乎其技,可以选择少神乎其技的几个数据库管理和形变然. 如果有信息,无法提供足够的机械记忆管理问题,那么很可能这种做法是必要的.