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memory的歌`!~ 不喜欢`!~!~~!~
刚刚我还在感叹 My Decemeber 的深入肺腑,转眼就有人在反驳我的怀旧。我承认我的无知,同时沉浸在我的欣喜中……在众多的LP歌曲中,第二主唱Mike的歌词不算很多。但就是在这样一个颇具革命性的团体里,颇具革命性的他爆发了这样一张颇具革命性的专辑,这样一张引人瞩目激动人心的专辑。相信无论对麦克自己或是对联合公园本身,这都将会是一个巨大的挑战。乐队明年的新专辑,又将是何种的突破,让我如此迫不及待……

再说说这张说唱专辑本身,官方的评说基本面面俱及,我好像说多些什么也变成拾人牙慧了。其实在这之前,我可能我对说唱的理解不够深刻,有时觉得那纯粹就是一堆节奏平淡无奇堆砌在一起而已。虽然说一般他们的词意深刻,政治社会,人心百态,但语速超快,俚语又多,而且,歌词都是超长,哈……一般都是偶尔会喜欢那么一两首比较专业的作品,比如:黑眼樱桃的“Where Is The Love”……所以我并没从头听到尾,这里只强烈推荐三只:Remember the Name,非常纯粹悦耳的说唱;Believe Me 相比节奏动人不少,而且歌词大意非常合胃;Where'd You Go 一把“惹人怜惜”的声音让它有另一种挥之不去又耐人寻味的味道……

身为联合公园(Linkin Park)首脑及主唱之一的麦克(MC Mike Shinoda),将化身为黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor 简称为FM),即将在本月22日,推出全新首张革命大碟『The Rising Tied』。随着专辑的即将发行,首支单曲「Believe Me」已在各电台强力放送。

当黑暗堡垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)专辑发行的消息一曝光时,在联合公园的歌迷群里,就开始热烈地讨论,联合公园是不是要解散了。于是所有LP的信徒们,都在各大联合公园的家族网站、部落格、及留言板上,热烈地讨论着。而这波雪球般越滚越大的传言,也传到了联合公园团员的耳里,听到这个传言的团员们,很感动的表示谢谢这些歌迷朋友对他们的支持及喜爱。随即共同公开一份声明稿表示,联合公园不会解散,目前也在准备全新专辑,预计在明年带着全新的作品和大家见面。除此之外,LP团员们非常骄傲在麦克的带领下,能够让黑暗保垒(Fort Minor简称为FM)这个同属于联合公园家族一分子的新血可以诞生,所有LP的成员将会力挺FM到底,一起见证黑暗保垒再次为乐坛带来一场新的音乐革命。

专辑歌手:Fort Minor / 黑暗堡垒
专辑名称:The Rising Tied / 火线同盟
唱片公司:Warner Music


Remember The Name (feat. Styles Of Beyond) [MV]
Right Now (feat. Black Thought Of The Roots and Styles Of Beyond)
Feel Like Home (feat. Styles Of Beyond)
Where'd You Go (feat. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga)
In Stereo
Back Home (feat. Common and Styles Of Beyond)
Believe Me (feat. BoBo and Styles Of Beyond) [MV]
Get Me Gone
High Road (feat. John Legend)
Red To Black (feat. Kenna Jonah Matranga and Styles Of Beyond)
The Battle (feat. Celph Titled)
Out The Back (feat. Mr. Hahn)

重组你的细胞 肃清你的灵魂 请牢记这个绝对不可轻忽的名字 黑暗堡垒

在一个有着全球3500万张销售的团体里,要如何自处于这个亮眼光环底下,并且还能不断地持续成长?如果你是联合公园首脑之一的麦克,答案肯定是---破除现有框架,让自己更为发光发热。这个拿下无数白金认证以及葛莱美奖肯定的摇滚天团—联合公园,身为主唱之一的麦克肩负1/2 MC的重担,除了持续不断供给火力十足的能量外,并且和另一位主唱查斯特,互相抗衡激荡出另类摇滚及嘻哈的猛烈冲击力。随着联合公园每一张专辑的发行,麦克和他的团员们,藉由在作品里尝试不同的音乐新元素,来累积灵感动能。但是创作力惊人的麦克却无法满足现状,首次单飞对外寻求音乐进阶之旅的他,蓄势待发地准备向世人证明一个音乐革命家的旺盛能量。

潜藏在麦克身躯里的饶舌乐基底,长久以来不断地吸收各种多样化的音乐元素,直到现在,扎根至深且蕴含丰厚。”Fort Minor/黑暗堡垒”代表是个截然不同的音乐结晶,「The Rising Tied火线同盟」是一张纯粹的嘻哈专辑,揉合着麦克洗炼的文字魅力,及音乐震撼力。游走在不同的主题、风格及精心营造出来的情绪氛围里,使得这个特别衍生出来的结晶体,不仅仅满足现有的联合公园信徒,更激发出麦克对于饶舌音乐永不停息的那份狂热虔诚。

联合公园改变了摇滚规则 FM 开始新音乐革命计划 火线同盟

「The Rising Tied」一张最令人期待,来自由麦克组成 Fort Minor 的首张专辑,将会在2005年11月22号,由Machine Shop Recordings/Warner Bros发行。由杰斯担任执行制作人(在2004「冲击理论」专辑当中,和联合公园有精采的对撞火花)。整张专辑由麦克担任制作人,并亲自操刀混音,专辑里的每一首歌,也都是由麦克亲自撰写,几乎所有的乐器都由他下海弹奏,亲自监控专辑里的每个细节。

麦克选择Fort Minor(黑暗堡垒)这具有绝对冲突感的名字发表此张音乐作品,是希望呈现极端元素并置时所可能激荡衍生出的动能与创作力量。(浩大强劲与渺小微弱的2 方元素对峙时产出的冲击力,“渺小微弱/minor”在音乐上有晦暗悲伤的含意)。专辑名称 The Rising Tied 同样地也在字里行间里嗅出饶富哲学思想的意义。麦克表示所有参与这次专辑演出的朋友,都是来自于音乐世界的一群好手。包括 Machine Shop 旗下的艺人 Styles of Beyond 、Holly Brook, 凡夫俗子(Common),约翰传奇(John Legend), Kenna和来自扎根合唱团的 Black Thought。

以最贴近灵魂的方式向外发声 在黑暗中被注目的发光体

身为联合公园首脑之一的麦克,对于创作音乐的渴望,驱动他骨髓里深藏的嘻哈/MC细胞,他在创作出来的音乐里,加入大量的酷炫元素。当这些元素汇集出足够能量时,就代表着麦克的即将释放出爆炸性的音乐火花,也象征着他的全新音乐之旅也随即展开。忠于自己嘻哈细胞的麦克,在创作这张专辑时,“一切都以有机化”方式调制。所谓“有机化”,就是专辑中所用到的乐器演奏音效,都是以真正乐器弹奏,而不以人工的电子合成乐来代替。「The Rising Tied」完整地释放出麦克身上的创作动能,以最贴近麦克的方式,向嘻哈世界最严酷的考验宣战。

首支祭出的单曲 “Believe Me”,在摇摇欲墬的薄弱关系里,以剧烈跳动的拍子为基底,注入拉丁节奏,伴随大提琴的低音声线,反映麦可体内的热血对经典摇滚的狂爱。“High Road”弹跳着有如钢琴大师比利乔手中流泄的音符,以幽默的声调,流转着兴奋的节奏。在“Remember The Name”里,麦克以第三人称的方式,将一般街头饶舌里的那种吹嘘、自夸口吻,转化成精细且微妙的文字节奏。“5%欢愉、50%痛苦、还有100%的理由 牢记这个名字”这就是一小段来自“Remember The Name”里文字游戏。另外一首歌“Where'd You Go?”,算是麦克从没尝试过的抒情曲风。以轻轻悲叹的口吻,唱给那些曾经迷失方向的你和我,麦克还说,每次放这首歌时,老婆都会有感而发而落泪。

单曲“Right Now”,这首歌的创作灵感,来自于导演劳勃阿特曼(Robert Altman) 的电影【Short Cuts(银色性男女)】。麦克、Black Thought和 S.O.B,共同打造这首有着不同层次的街头音乐诗篇,以碎烈的钢琴音符为衬底低声呼唤,将本来分散的曲子紧紧缝合在一起。“Back Home”一曲,麦克回归自我,描述洛杉矶的生活点滴。“Petrified”以讽刺的口吻,描述这个时代人们一些不负责任的行为,整首歌有着不安的、危险的、恐惧的气氛,可说是自帮派饶舌大哥Ice Cube(冰块酷八)10年前发表的经典作 “Wicked”以来另一首晦暗沉重的歌曲(Wicked是gangsta rap经典代表作之一)。

在这张专辑当中,或是说在所有专辑当中,最特别的一首歌就是“Kenji,这首饶舌回忆录纪录着于第二次大战期间,在美国拘留所里,日本公民被囚禁的故事。在这首歌里,麦克的阿姨和父亲也献声演出。曾在1940年被拘留在美国的他们,以音乐的力量,勾勒出一幅幅苍白的图像,描绘当时在拘留所里失去一切的人们,他们的无言,他们的哀泣。麦克表示,去年他曾拜访位于洛杉矶的日美国家博物馆(Japanese-American National Museum),造访之后让他想起家人告诉他的那些故事,那些有关于麦克家人如何被关在居留所里的故事。当时他的家人并没有做任何错事,只因他们的身分在那个时空下,在那个情境里,必须面对那样的对待。麦克欣慰地表示:我必须以Fort Minor/黑暗堡垒的这个特殊角色,来为这个事件写一首歌。我非常感谢有了这另一个身份,让我可以创作在联合公园里我无法触及的议题。

Fort Minor - Remember the Name

You ready?
Lets go
For those who wanna know what we're all about
Its like this y'all
It's 10% luck
20% skill
15% conncentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100% reason to remember the name

he doesnt need his name up in lights
he just wants to be heard whether its the beat or the mic
he feels so unlike every body else, alone
in spite of the fact that some people still think that they know him
but Fuck em
he knows the code:
its not about the salary, its all about reality
and making some noise
making the story
making sure his clique stays up
that means when he puts it down, tak's pickin it up
Who the hell is he anyway?

he never really talks much
never concerned with status
but still leavin 'em starstruck
humbled through oppurtunities
givin despite the fact
that many misjudge him
because he makes a living from writing raps
put it together himself
and the picture connects
never askin for someones help, or to get some respect
hes only focused on what he wrote
his will is beyond reach
and now it all unfolds
the skill of an artiste

20% skill
80% beer
Be 100% clear
cuz ryu is ill
who woulda thought hed be the one to set the west in flames
I heard him wreck it with the crystal method Name of the game
Came back dropped megadef, took em to church
i like bleach man
ryu had the stupidest verse
this dude is the truth
now everybodys givin him guest spots
his stocks through the roof
i heard hes fuckin with s-dot!

It's 10% luck
20% skill
15% conncentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100%reason to remember the name
They call him ryu the sick
and hes spitting fire and mic
got him out the dryer hes hot
found him in fort Minor With Tak
He's a fucking nihilist porcupine
hes a prick hes a cock
the type women wanna be with and rappers hope he gets shot
8 years and the makin
patiently waitin to blow
now the record with shinoda's
takin over the globe
hes got a partner in crime
his shit is equally dope
you wont believe the kinda shit that comes outa of this kids throat

He's not your every day on the block
he knows how to work with what hes got makin his way to the top
he often gets a comment on his name
people keep askin him was it
given at birth
or was it stand for an acronym
He's livin proof, look at him rockin the booth
he'll get you buzzin quicker than a shot of vodka with juice
Him and his crew are known around as one of the best
dedicated to what they do, and give 100
forget mike
nobody real knows how or why, he works so hard it seems like hes never got time
becuz he writes every note, and he writes every line
and ive seen him at work, when that light goes on in his mind
its like a design is written in his head every time
before he even touches a key or speaks in a rhyme
and those mothafuckas he runs with, the kids that he signed, rediculous
without even tryin
how do they do it?

It's 10% luck
20% skill
15% conncentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100%reason to remember the name
It's 10% luck
20% skill
15% conncentrated power of will
5% pleasure
50% pain
and 100%reason to remember the name
Fort Minor
M Shinoda
Styles of Beyond
Ryu, Takbir, Cheapshot!

Fort Minor - Believe Me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me

I don't wanna be the one to blame you
Like fun and games
Keep playin' 'em
I'm just sayin-
Think back then
We was like one in the same
On the right track
But I was on the wrong train
It's like that
Now you gotta face the pain
And the devil's got a fresh new place to play
In your brain
Like a maze
You can never escape
The rain
Every damn day's the same shade of grey
I used to have a little bit of a plan
Use ta'
Have a concept of where I stand
But that concept slipped right outta my hand
And now
I don't really even know who I am
What do I have to say
Maybe I should do
What I have to do to break free
'N whatever happens to you
We'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me

Back then
I thought you were just like me
Somebody who could see all the pain I see
But you
Proved to me unintentionally
That you would self destruct eventually
Now I'm thinkin' like the mistake I made doesn't hurt
But its not gonna work
'Cause it's really much worse
Than I thought
I wished you were something you were not
And now this guilt is really all that I got
You turn your back
And walk away in shame
All you got
Is a memory 'a pain
Nothin' makes sense
You jus' stare at the ground
I hear your voice in my head
When no one else is around
So what do I have to say
Maybe I should do
What I have to do
To break free
'N whatever happens to you
We'll see
But it's not gonna happen with me

I guess
That this is where we've come to
If you don't want to
Then you don't have to
Believe me
But I
Won't be there when you go down
Just so you know now
You're on your own now
Believe me

I will do what I have to do
You're on your own now
Believe me
Whatever happens to you
You're on your own now
Believe me
What do I have to say
You're on your own now
Believe me
Its not gonna happen to me
You're on your own now
Believe me

Fort Minor - Where'd You Go
(feat. Holly Brook and Jonah Matranga)

Where'd you go
I miss you so
Seems like it's been forever
That you've been gone

She said "Some days I feel like shit,
Some days I wanna quit, and just be normal for a bit,"
I don't understand why you have to always be gone,
I get along but the trips always feel so long,
And, I find myself tryna stay by the phone,
'Cause your voice always helps me when I feel so alone,
But I feel like an idiot, workin' my day around the call,
But when I pick up I don't have much to say,
So, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

You know the place where you used to live,
Used to barbeque up burgers and ribs,
Used to have a little party every Hallowe'en with candy by the pile,
But now, you only stop by every once in a while,
Shit, I find myself just fillin' my time,
Anything to keep the thought of you from my mind,
I'm doin' fine, I plan to keep it that way,
You can call me if you find you have somethin' to say,
And I'll tell you, I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', at times debatin',
Tellin' you that I've had it with you and your career,
Me and the rest of the family here singing "Where'd you go?"

I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...

I want you to know it's a little fucked up,
That I'm stuck here waitin', no longer debatin',
Tired of sittin' and hatin' and makin' these excuses,
For while you're not around, and feeling so useless,
It seems one thing has been true all along,
You don't really know what you got 'til it's gone,
I guess I've had it with you and your career,
When you come back I won't be here and you'll can sing it...

Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone.
Where'd you go?
I miss you so,
Seems like it's been forever,
That you've been gone,
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...
Please come back home...