
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/21 22:02:25
受贿罪是我国目前发案率高,群众反映强烈的一种职务犯罪,特别是近年来,大案、要案不断增多,严重毁坏了党和国家的形象,人民群众要求铲除腐败,严惩贪官的呼声日益高涨。在我国“为他人谋取利益”是受贿罪得以成立的构成要件之一,而在刑法理论上对这一要件在犯罪构成中的地位存在着种种不同的主张。文章讨论了受贿罪以及“为他人谋取利益”要件的相关概念,分析了把“为他人谋取利益”作为受贿罪构成要件的旧客观要件说、新客观要件说、主观要件说的种种弊端。从而得出结论,不应以“为他人谋取利益”作为受贿罪的构成要件,而应作为一个量刑情节。我们可以借鉴国外立法体制并结合我国实际,从立法科学严谨、严密刑事法网、严格刑事责任的角度,对受贿罪的构成要件进行合理重构,以完善受贿罪的规定。 (麻烦帮我翻译一下啦)


Bribery is my current high incidence of the masses reflected a strong job-related crimes, especially in recent years, big and important cases on the rise, serious damage to the image of the party and country, the people's demands for the eradication of corruption, and severely punish corrupt officials were mounting. In my "other interests" is taking bribes to set up one of the constituent elements, and in criminal law theory of the criminal element in the status of the existence of a wide variety of ideas. The article discussed accepting bribes and "to seek interests for others" element related concept analysis "to seek interests for others" as bribery objective elements that constitute the elements of the old and new elements that objective and subjective elements that the various ills. Thus concludes that should not be "to seek interests for others" as the constituent elements taking bribes, but as a sentencing circumstance. We can learn from foreign legislative framework and in light of China's actual from scientific stringent legislation, strict criminal law, strict criminal liability perspective, the constituent elements of the crime of accepting bribes reasonably seen to improve bribery provisions.

Bribery is my current high incidence of the masses reflected a strong job-related crimes, especially in recent years, big and important cases on the rise, serious damage to the image of the party and country, the people's demands for the eradication of corruption, and severely punish corrupt officials were mounting. In my "other interests" is taking bribes to set up one of the constituent elements, and in criminal law theory of the criminal element in the status of the existence of a wide variety of ideas. The article discussed accepting bribes and "to seek interests for others" element related concept analysis "to seek interests for others" as bribery objective elements that constitute the elements of the old and new elements that objective and subjective elements that the various ills. Thus concludes that should not be "to seek interests for others" as the constituent elements taking bribes, but as a sentencing circumstance. We can learn from foreign legislative framework and in light of China's actual from scientific stringent legislation, strict criminal law, strict criminal liability perspective, the constituent elements of the crime of accepting bribes reasonably seen to improve bribery provisions.

Bribery is my current high incidence of the masses reflected a strong job-related crimes, especially in recent years, big and important cases on the rise, serious damage to the image of the party and country, the people's demands for the eradication of corruption, and severely punish corrupt officials were mounting. In my "other interests" is taking bribes to set up one of the constituent elements, and in criminal law theory of the criminal element in the status of the existence of a wide variety of ideas. The article discussed accepting bribes and "to seek interests for others" element related concept analysis "to seek interests for others" as bribery objective elements that constitute the elements of the old and new elements that objective and subjective elements that the various ills. Thus concludes that should not be "to seek interests for others" as the constituent elements taking bribes, but as a sentencing circumstance. We can learn from foreign legislative framework and in light of China's actual from scientific stringent legislation, strict criminal law, strict criminal liability perspective, the constituent elements of the crime of accepting bribes reasonably seen to improve bribery provisions.