
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/10/06 16:06:08


I. 不定冠词用法
e.g. ____ university, ____ umbrella; ______ European, ______ engineer;
_____ hot dog, ______ honour.
There is _____ "u" in the word "hour".
There is _____"h" in the word "hour".
the + 单数n. (表这种与其他种属的区别,故表发明物时多用此结构)
e.g. The horse is a useful animal. (马这种动物是有用的。)
a + 单数n. (表这种中任何一个都)
e.g. A horse is a useful animal. (马这种动物中任何一匹都很有用。)
零冠词 + 复数n. (表这种中所有都)
e.g. Horses are useful animals.(马这种动物中所有都有用。)

1. 第一次提及的人或物,泛指某人或某物之前
e.g. I saw a cat on my to school this morning. It was in a lonely house.
The children were listening to an interesting story told by a visiting teacher.
Cf. one (强调“一”时用one; 叙事时表示“某一”时用one)
e.g. The path is just wide enough for one car to pass through.
The path is just wide enough for a car to pass through.
one day, one night, one morning, one afternoon

2. 时间、价格、重量之前,相当于every
e.g. Take the medicine three times a day.
I visit my grandparents twice a week.

3. 表情绪等抽象名词和自然现象名词之前
e.g. It is an honour for me to be invited to speak here.
I had a good time last night chatting with my best friend.
We met with a terrible storm on our way to the camp site.
a heavy rain/ snow; a thick fog; a hard time; a great help, etc.
a surprise; a pity; a success; a failure, etc.

4. 单数n.前有quite, such, what, rather, half, many 等表程度或数量的词时
e.g. quite a good boy; such a hot day; what an interesting story; rather a difficult problem;
half a month; many a student, etc.

5. 用于结构: so + adj. + a +单数n.
e.g. He is so good a student that all the teachers like him.
She is as hardworking a teacher as all the others in this school.
He is too young a boy to go to school.
How tall a bridge it is!
6. 固定词组:
all of a sudden as a rule
as a whole at a loss
at a distance as a matter of fact
in a hurry come to an end/ a stop
have a good time have a word with
have a cold have a rest
keep an eye on lend a hand
in a way in a word
put an end to with a view to
make a fire make a fortune
take a walk once in a while
make a living once upon a time
take an active part in play a part in
pay a fine take a close look at
get a general idea of make a list of
develop a good attitude about bring sth to an end
teach sb a lesson place an order for
make/ get an early start go on a voyage
in a low voice in a minute
after a while for a while
for a time at a time
as a result a great drain on
a knowledge of

II. 定冠词用法
1. 表示特定的,上文提过的,或双方多明确所指的人或物前
e.g. The woman standing in front of the gate is looking for her dog.
Dr James E. Naismith invented a new game. The new game was an immediate success.
Do you mind my closing the window?

2. 世界上独一无二的事物和自然现象的名词前
e.g. the earth, the sun, the moon, the world, the South Pole, the universe, the Bible
the Iron Age, the Qing Dynasty, the twenty-first century
the New York Times
cf. 若前有描绘性的形容时,则用不定冠词
e.g. a full moon, a rising sun
3. 江河、海洋、山脉、群岛、沙漠等地理名称前
e.g. the Yangtse River, the Yellow River, the Mississippi, the Nile
the Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean, the Atlantic Ocean, the Arctic Ocean,
the Rocky Mountains(the Rockies), the Himalayas, the Ural Mountains;
the Pillippine Islands,
the Sahara Desert
cf. 海岛、山峰以及湖泊等地理名称前则不用冠词
e.g. Taiwan Island , Hainan Island, Lake Michigan, Mount Tai
但:若有of, 则用the
e.g. the Island of Taiwan

4. 序数词、最高级、表方位的名词,或对两物进行比较时起特定作用的比较级前
e.g. the first day
the best season
the east/ west/ south/ north
turn to the left/ right
on the left/ right
at the back of, by the side of

5. 形容词前,即the + adj.
e.g. the poor, the rich, the old, the young, the sick and the suffering, the living, the dead,
the true, the false, the new, the beautiful, the ugly
注:the + adj. 表人, 若作主语,其谓语动词用复数
the + adj. 表物,若作主语,其谓语动词用单数
e.g. The old are taken good care of in our country.
The new is always expensive.

6. 乐器前
e.g. the piano, the violin, the guitar, the flute, the accordion
cf. 若乐器用中文表示,则用零冠词
e.g. play er-hu
7. 由普通名词构成的专有名词前
e.g. the United States, the United Nations, the People's Square, the Great Wall,
the People's Repulic of China
8. 姓氏复数前,表一家人
e.g. the Wangs, the Grays, the Turners
cf. at Wang's
at the Wangs'
A Mr Black came to see you just now.
9. 表示身体某部位的名词前
e.g. hit/lead/grasp/take/pull/catch/touch/pat/ strike+ sb + by the hand/collar/ arm/sleeve/nose
around the neck
on the head/ shoulder/ back/ nose
in the face

10. 计量单位名词前
e.g. by the pound; by the hour
cf. in twos and threes, in tens, in fifties
11. 固定词组
by the way in the dark
in the distance in the future
in the morning in the end
in the open in the meanwhile
in the field of in the presence of
on the air in the sun/wind/ shade/ dark/ rain
on the contrary on the increase/ decrease
on the rise/ fall on the whole
to the point put … to the test
on the radio on the phone
late into the night the whole day/night
all the year round all the time
at the moment for the time being
the other day the next morning
the night before last at the age of
at the beginning of at the end of
in the middle of by the end of
at the top of at the foot of
at the bottom of at the corner of
in the habit of go to the cinema/ theatre/ concert
to tell the truth be open to the public
take the trouble to do on the scene

III. 零冠词用法
1. 物质名词、抽象名词和专有名词前
e.g. The bridge of made of wood.
Without water, man can't live.
Beijing is the capital of China.
Honesty is the best policy.
cf. 若此名词前有修饰语,则用冠词
e.g. Do you like the music of the film?
We are living a happy life.
We must keep the balance of nature.

2. 一年四季前
e.g. Autumn is coming.
cf. 若具体一年中的四季前,则用冠词
e.g. the summer of 2000

3. 节日用Day表示前
e.g. National Day, Children's Day, Women's Day, New Year's Day, Christmas Day
cf. 节日用Festival表示前,则用定冠词

e.g. the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival, the Lantern Festival,
the international food festival, the film festival, the TV festival

4. 运动项目前
e.g. play football/ volleyball/ chess/ bridge

5. 语言、学科前
e.g. English, physics, chemistry, international trade, computer engineering
cf. the English language; the Chinese language
We are surprised to find he was so interested in the French________.
A. language B. literature C. history D. culture

6. 一日三餐前
e.g. Dinner is served between 17 and 21 in this restaurant.
He prefers bread and butter for breakfast.
What do you have for lunch?
Don't talk to him while he is at dinner.
cf. 若有修饰语时,则用冠词
e.g. The lunch we are having was prepared by my father.
I've cooked you a nice hot dinner.

7. 头衔、职位、身份的名词作补语、同位语时
e.g. We elected him monitor of our class.
He was appointed head of the department.
Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States in 1861.
cf. The manager wants to see you.
Don't you know Nancy's father is a sea captain?

8. 两个关系密切的名词前
e.g. husband and wife, father and son

9. 称呼语前
e.g. What's this, Mother?
Teacher praised me this morning.

10. 某些倒装句中
e.g. Child as he is, he knows a lot.
Best as he is, he remains modest.

11. turn后的名词作表语前
e.g. At first, he majored in medicine, but later, he turned writer.

12. 交通、通信设备,与by连用的交通工具名词前
e.g. by air/ plane/ boat/ car/ ship/ sea/ brain/ bike/ ferry
by tube/ land; on foot
by hand/ machine/ telephone/ post/ E-mail/ chance/ accident/ credit card

13. 固定词组
at sunrise/ daybreak/ dawn/ noon/ sunset/ dusk/ midnight
at hand/ present/ last/ sea
at school/ work/ table/ war/ home/ church/ college
at first sight
on duty/ time/ board/ fire/ leave/ purpose
in order/ bed/ hospital/ difficulty/ danger/ despair/ happiness/ fear/ time/ debt/ line
in common/ detail/ person/ return
in time of/ need of/ memory of
in cash/ pain/ public/ use/ peace/ fact
face to face side by side
step by step day by/ after day
day and night year after year
hand in hand heart and soul
from side to side from time to time
from door to door from generation to generation
from head to foot from top to bottom
from beginning to end from morning till night
from roof to floor from hand to mouth
for instance/ example/ sure through trade
make use of take advantage of
have fun come into use
be opened for business have … under control
take … to safety come to life
take action catch/ on fire
get sb to shore burst into laughter
learn … by heart win first place
keep … in mind leave school
lose heart put sb to bed
IV. 比较
1. go to school(church, hospital, ect.)
go to the school
2. at table
at the table
3. in class
in the class
4. make the bed
make beds
5. take place
take the place of
in place of
in the place of
6. in front of
in the front of
at the front
7. three of us
the three of us
8. on earth
on the earth
9. in office
in the office
10. in secret
in the secret
11. by day
by the day
12. in charge of
in the charge of
13. out of question
out of the question
14. of an age
of the age
15. people
the people
16. have a word with
have words with
17. man
the man
a man
18. space
the space
19. nature
the nature
20. a most difficult question
the most difficult question
