
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/02 17:38:49
1 宪法是一个国家的根本大法
2 中国政府已经建立了50多个国家级经济技术开发区
3 if it had one more bedroom,这个房子就很完美了
4 你将获得由青年旅行社提供的“免费七日欧洲双人游”
5 我的行李很重
6 有必要尽快立法禁止买卖人体器官
7 我们必须依靠科技
8 他不断地提出新要求
9 旨在提高农民生活水平

1 宪法是一个国家的根本大法
The Constitution is a fundemental law of a country.

2 中国政府已经建立了50多个国家级经济技术开发区
The Chinese government has established more than 50 State-level economic and technological development zones.

3 if it had one more bedroom,这个房子就很完美了
If it had one more bedroom, this house would have been more perfect.

4 你将获得由青年旅行社提供的“免费七日欧洲双人游”
The Youth Travel Agency is going to offer you a Free 7-Day Double Tour to Europe for two adults.

5 我的行李很重
My luggage is very heavy.

6 有必要尽快立法禁止买卖人体器官
It is necessary to legislate to prohibit the sale and purchase of human organs.

7 我们必须依靠科技
We must rely on the technology.

8 他不断地提出新要求
He constantly raises new requirements.

9 旨在提高农民生活水平
Aiming at improving the living standard of peasants.

1 of the Constitution is the fundamental law of a country
two Chinese government has created more than 50 state-level economic and technological development zones
3 if it had one more bedroom. This house is perfect
four travel agencies you will be provided by young "free 7th European Pair Tour" 5 6 heavy baggage I need to legislate to ban the sale of human organs we must rely on science and technology 7 8 he constantly making new demands aimed at improving their living standards 9