
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/21 13:38:56
1、Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing decisions that denied victory to their team.

their team到底知哪个队啊?不会是文中球迷支持的吧?

2、But for many, the fact that poor people are able to support themselves almost as well without government aid as they did with it is in itself a huge victory.

3、What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity than to step out of uniform?

4、Social support consists of the exchange of resources among people based on their interpersonal ties.

1 这是一篇阅读里面的一句话,是关于裁判的误判的.这句话的意思是,由于裁判总是误判,所以很多队的球迷都认为自己的队该赢得98年的世界杯,所以their team是不管哪个国家的球队,只要是自己的球迷认为该球队能赢就行.但我觉得不可能是中国队,因为没中国球迷有此奢望.
另原文附下Long after the 1998 World Cup was won, disappointed fans were still cursing the disputed refereeing(裁判)decisions that denied victory to their team. A researcher was appointed to study the performance of some top referees.
The researcher organized an experimental tournament(锦标赛)involving four youth teams. Each match lasted an hour, divided into three periods of 20 minutes during which different referees were in charge.
Observers noted down the referees’ errors, of which there were 61 over the tournament. Converted to a standard match of 90 minutes, each referee made almost 23 mistakes, a remarkably high number.
The researcher then studied the videotapes to analyse the matches in detail. Surprisingly, he found that errors were more likely when the referees were close to the incident. When the officials got it right, they were, on average, 17 meters away from the action. The average distance in the case of errors was 12 meters. The research shows the optimum(最佳的)distance is about 20 meters.
There also seemed to be an optimum speed. Correct decisions came when the referees were moving at a speed of about 2 meters per second. The average speed for errors was 4 meters per second.
If FIFA, football’s international ruling body, wants to improve the standard of refereeing at the next World Cup, it should encourage referees to keep their eyes on the action from a distance, rather than rushing to keep up with the ball, the researcher argues.
He also says that FIFA’s insistence that referees should retire at age 45 may be misguided. If keeping up with the action is not so important, their physical condition is less critical.

2 意思是说政府提供和不提供救济的情况几乎相同,穷人都能养活自己,almost 是修饰as well as的
3 丧失.之说制服是身份的象征
4 社会的 帮助包括人们基于私人关系的资源的交换.

2。几乎的意思。修饰as well 。

