惠州索尼电子厂介绍:r&b的R是 什么意思啊

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/04 04:11:46



r代表rap:Rap,在中国人的字典裏有两个词可以代替,“说唱”和“饶舌”。前者是一种源於民间的古老艺术,后者是一种婆婆妈妈,唧唧歪歪的作风(如《大话西游》裏的唐僧)。据考证中国早在十一世纪就有世界上最长的说唱史诗《格萨尔王》,比美国早了整整九百年,这样看来Rap还算得上咱中国的第五大发明呢。 Rap在八十年代,九十年代初从美国大地狂吹到咱们被美国的弟弟英国拐走的香港小妹妹那裏(不是我说的,是崔健说的)。很快香港的前卫人士林子祥就不甘落后地炮制了一首叫《对话》的Rap歌曲(在此之前他已经有一首自传式的《阿LAM日记》,可见Rap在中文流行曲裏已是由来已久),跟著舞曲天王张立基直接将“锤子先生”的歌曲改编成中文版的Rap《震撼》,也是红极一时。而最令中国人自豪的莫过於软硬天师在1992年推出的一张《广播道软硬杀人事件》,这张极富野心的全中文Rap大碟触及到了香港和中国内地的许多敏感话题,音乐上也是造诣不凡,可称华语说唱乐的一个巅峰。

An expansive swath of music with early roots in the post-war jump blues of Roy Brown and Big Joe Turner, R&B--and its offspring, soul--became the preeminent African-American popular music by the late 1950s. While it has undergone a number of stylistic facelifts over the decades, from the classic '60s heyday of Motown/Stax/Atlantic chart domination through '70s funk and the massive crossover inroads of the '80s, '90s, and '00s, R&B/soul has always remained a vibrantly expressive music at its core: the sweaty grit of Otis Redding, the rubbery funk of Sly & the Family Stone, the smooth balladry of Whitney Houston, the inimitable brassiness of Mary J. Blige, and the epochal contemporary R&B of Lauryn Hill.

Notable Artists: Ray Charles; James Brown; Marvin Gaye; Aretha Franklin; Prince; R. Kelly