xbox one 独占游戏:爆笑美文

来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/09/28 06:09:09
A man went to a farmers market and asks for a rooster.

The clerk says, you mean a cock? So the guy says, yeah, a cock. So he goes to another farmers market and asks for a mother dog.

The clerk says you mean a bitch? So the guy says, yeah a bitch.

Then he goes to a hardware store and asks for a pully. And the clerk says you mean a pull it. So the guy says yeah a pull it. So the guys walking down the street and his dog gets away.

He walks up to a pretty young woman and says, ma'am, could you please hold on to my cock and pull it while I go get my bitch?

店员说“你要公鸡(cock俚语还有ji ba的意思)那家伙说对。他又去另一摊位上问有没有母狗。
店员又说:你要母狗(bitch俚语是ji nv),那家伙说对。
他又到一家五金店,问有没有滑轮(原文有误,应为pulley)店员说你要滑轮(pull it有拉着,拽着的意思)。
他买了所有这些东西后,就沿着街走了。走路的时候,那只狗跑了。正好碰到一个靓女路过,他赶快对人家说:女士,请你拿着我的cock(ji ba)拽紧喽,我得去追回我那个bitch(ji nv)。


