
来源:百度文库 编辑:杭州交通信息网 时间:2024/07/02 19:18:45
His mother was ill in hospital,so he had to ____$500 for his car.
(A)pay (B)cost (C)take (D)spend

选c.意思是:他母亲生病住院,所以他以500美元的价格卖掉了他的车。take 直译即可----“拿到”

(A)pay 偿还,付出代价;受惩罚,得到报应 (for)。
(B)cost花费,付代价。 It costs five dollars. 值五元,要价五元。 It cost me much labour. 费了我不少劳力。 His ambition cost him his life. 他的野心断送了自己一条命。 cost (sb.) dear(ly) 代价极大,费用极高;闯大祸,吃大亏(If you attempt it, it will cost you dear. 你试试看,一定要吃大亏的)。 cost what it may 不惜任何代价,无论代价多少;无论如何。
(C)take耗费(时间等);需要(多少时间等)。 These things take time. 这些事情需要花费时间。 It takes an hour to go there. 到那里需要一个钟头。
(D)spend 用(钱),花费(on)。How much have you spent on books this term 这学期你在买书上用了多少钱?


选A pay for 结构
cost 应当物做主语
take 表花(时间),用于句型It is take sb. 一端时间 to do sth.
spend on sth. /in doing sth.

